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How Lumber Looks
The California situation shows very little change, and the volume of business continues light.
It is reported that the Pacific codstwbe steamship rates on lumber which went into efiect on Februarv 18 has had a tend. ency to clean up some of the unsold stoc(s at San Pedro, and on new business placed with the mills the trade is meeting the new advances. LJnsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro on February 24 totaled,613261000 feet as compated to 7r424rc/lio feet for the previous week. Cargo arrivals at San Pedro for the week ended February 20 totaled 4r2g5rOOO feet, which is very low, and included four cargoes of Douglas fir; cargo arrivals at this port for the year to February 2O inclusive totaled,44r9rlrOOO feet as compared witln 7113461000 feet fot the same period in 1931. Los Angeler building permits for the first twenty days of February amounted to $114501542. Sixty-seven lumber vessels in the California service were laid up on February 18, with one vessel operating to the East coast.
Douglas Ffu-325 mills reporting to the \ffest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended February 13 operated at 22,6 pet cent of capacity, as compared to 19.2 per cent for the previous week and 38.9 per cent for the same week last year. During the week ended February 7, 22, of these plants were reported as down and 102 as operating; those operating reported production as 42.2 per cent of their group capacity.
Production, shipmenr and orders at 217 identical mills for the week ended February 13 were rqrorted as follows: produc- tion 5619561298 f.eet; shipments 6112992;62 feet; orders 64rO92rl9O Leet. New business was 12.5 per cent over production but totaled 4r400rq)O feet less than the footage reieived the previous week. Production was 7r500r(X)0 feet more than the week before. Shipments for the week were 7.6 per cent over production. New Export business received was 614001000 feet less, new domestic cargo orders wete 2r5OOr(X)0 feet more, and new rail orders remained approximately the same when com. pared with the previous week's business.
Details of orders and shipments of these 217 mills for the week were as follows: Orders-Rail 2015041767 feet; Domestic Cargo 26,6551683 feet; Export 13,203,708 feet; Local t,728,Ot2
C. W. Zimmerman field engineer of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash:, was a Los Angeles visitor during the month of February. He called on the city and county engineers in the interests of Douglas fir creosoted lumber products.
feet. Shipments-Rail 181597,188 feet; Domestic Cargo 27,879r304 f.et; Export Llr$g4rTtg feet; Local 3r72ErO32 f.eet. fnventories as reported by 145 mills were decreased l7r(X)Or. 000 feet during the week ended February 13 and are 15.1 pet cent less than at this time
Lumber production during the week ended February 13 remained at the low lwels of recent weeks, acconding to reportE teceived by the National Lumber Manufacturers Associition, from regional associations covering operations of 7O7 of the principal hardwood and softwood mills. There was an in. crease of about lrrO0OrOOO feet in the combined output, and shipments wbre 38 per cent and orders 33 pet cent larger than the cut. The week before 679 mills reported a production of 9115061000 feet, with shipments 48 per cent larger, and orders 62 pet cent more than production.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Februaty 13 reported new business from 128 mills as 261755rOOO fsr.t1 shipments 29rl4f,000 feet; production 22r187r0ffi f,eet. Orders were 19 _p_er cent above production and 10 per cent below ship. ments. Shipments were 3l per cent above production.
The Vestern Pine Association reported new business from L22 mills as 27,829,ON feet; shipments 30,143,000 feet; production 10rE39rfi)0 feet. Orders werc 157 per cent above ptoduction and 8 per cent below shipments. ShipmentE were 17A per cent above producion.
_ Reports fton 232 hardwood mills for the same week give new business as t6r22OrOO0 feet, or 39 per cent above production. Shipments-totaled 18r118rqlo feet, or 55 per cent above produc- tion. Production was 1116601000 feet.
The California Redwood Association reported for tfie month of January production from 11 mills as itrA+6OOO feet; ehipments 11r377rOOO f.eet; orders on hand lgrOStrq)O feet; orders received 14r906r0fi) feet.
Distribution of orders received for the month wete as follows: Northern California 5,629rNO feet; Southern California 4,101,000 feet; Vetern 116,000 feet; Eastern 4,2lEr0OO feet; Foreign 842,000 feea
Perry Dame Back From South
Perry A. Dame, 'Western sales manager of the Creo-Diot Company, Inc., returned February 22 {o his San Francisco headquarters from a lGday business trip to Southern California, where he worked with Fisk & Mason, of pasadena, los ngeles district distributors of the complete line of Creo-Dipt roof and sidewall materials.