1 minute read

Your Ledger Will Show It--

Start a new page in your books that reads RESULTS in Roofing-and write it in the blackest ink you can find.

RESULTS that evidence themselves in enthusiastic customers, in the extension of your roofing business, in a profitable balance at the end of each month.

Throughout the roof ing trade, RESULTS have come to be a synonym for EL REY--growing from its unflagging attention to service-firmly rooted in its decades of roofing satisfaction.

Behind every EL REY roof are the most modern manufacturing facilities, the quantity production that makes possible high quality at lbw cost.

Embodied in every EL REY roof are the prime requisites of permanence and color, fire resistance and waterproofness-in a superb blending of line and balance to more than meet the keen competition of the day.

Let EL REY be your guidepost to RESULTS-By securing all the facts without delay. They're yours for the asking, at absolutely no obligation.

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