2 minute read

South ern California Retailers Meet at Los Angcles

Earl lohnson

IAssociation activities were discussed at a well attended meeting of the Southern California retail lumber dealers held at the Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles, Calif., on Saturday afternoon, February 13. Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, vice president of the Southern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, presided. About 20O retail dealers attended the business session. Several directors of the State Association were present.

Edw. Elliott, Los Angeles, chairman of the legislative committee of the State Bankers Association, gave an interesting and instructive talk on Deeds of Trust. George Wood, Wood Brothers Co., chairman, of the associatit'rn roofing committee, and C. H. Griffen, Jr., Homer. T. i{ayward Lumber Co., both of Santa Cruz, discussed in detail the allotment plan which has been working successfrrlly for the past three years with the members of tl,e Coast Counties Association.

O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Company, Santa Ana, president of the Associated Independent Retail Lumber Dealers of Southern California, outlined the obiects of the new organization. Mr. Barr said in part:

"The Associated Independent Retailers' organization represents only one section or division of the great lumber and building material industry of Southern California, and we are glad to have the opportunity to speak from this association platform this afternoon, as we are new in the field as a united business organization and are very anxious to have our own members in particular, and all other interested parties, become familiar with the purposes, hopes and ambitions of this new business affiliation of 120 odd (at this time) exclusively retail independent lumber yards.

"We have thought it well to unify, solidify and identify this important, though scattered, group of strictly retail dealers into a buying and statistical organization so that we may speak, or be spoken to, through a central office.

"Our main object is to attempt to wield a wholesome and united influence toward the establishment and maintenance oJ a stable and equitable retail market a"d selling conditions for all our members and in all the lines of materials in which we deal.

"We believe the accomplishment of our objects will redound to the benefit of the industry as a whole. We want to enlist every sound, reputable, iniependent retailer. None should ride and drag their feet."

F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresnq director of the association, pointed out the value of the association and asked the dealers not to overlook the functions of the state organization, Dee Essley, manager of the association, discussed in detail his work with the various local groups. Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Western Lumber Company, San Diego, director of the association, talked on conditions in the San Diego territory. F. L. Jordan, F. L. Jordan Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles, president of the Los Angeles Retail Sash and Door Association, spoke on sash and door conditions and the objects of their new association. Frank N. Gibbs, Gibbs Lumber Company, Anaheim, reported on the cement situation in Southern Calitornla.

Harry Lake, Garden Grove Lumber & Cement Co., Garden Grove, president of the association, stated that the loss in association membership during the past year was less than three per cent, which he said was a remarkable showing during present conditions. He mentioned some of the accomplishments of the local groups through organization. "I am sold on the allotment plan," he stated, t'and consider it fair and just." In concluding, he remarked that retail dealer trade promotion, which the California Redwood Association is setting the way, will be the next step.

A dinner dance was held at the Paris fnn, Los Angeles, in the evening. An excellent entertainment was furnished by the Paris Inn entertainers.

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