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This Cobin Plqn Helps You Sell Them
Tn e nrst Cobin Plqn for Shevlin Pine Log Siding wos so fovorobly received we hove iu3t issued o second Plon for o lorger cobin. In the column ot the left ore iusl o few of the commeni3 of consumers ond deolers on our Ploni. lnquiries ore pouring in from oll over the Uniied Stotes. You will be iusi os enthusiostic yourself when you iee these procticol Plons with list of Moteriol for eslimoting. Just moil the coupon for the Cobin Plon illustroted qboye or for the smoller cobin or Knotty Pine living-room.
The cobin illustroted is suiied to o fomily or club. tt will be feoturcd in our April nolionol mogqzlne odvertising. A good lumber order is contoined in it: 3000 feet of log Siding, l5O0 feet of roof boords, 1000 feet of flooring, 1000 feet of stripping, 600 feet of ship-lop os well os other dimension lumber. lf you ore o Shevlin deqler or ore interested in being one, moil lhe coupon for o copy of thi3 Plon. lf you hove not olreody received o copy of our other Plonr check the coupon for therc olso.
This Pfon helps you motretllrstuhyoulnue on lwnd. lf you will get o relioblo coniroclor to help you e3timote it you con then submit o price on the Mpleb, Cobirl- ln this woy you cqn moke sure lhot you get thc entire lumber bill.
To Your Nearest Office
Ercg[vr Of,lco,900 Fld Netlonrl.Soo Llnr Bldr. Drpl. 8t3
Plor rnd FREE Phn ol Crbln LS lf3i bullt rlltr Shevlla Plm Lor Sldlnl, t nowrllShevlh Plnr D I do notrrll Shrvlln Plnr I
Trrltr Trrl:
Vrdrm Srn Fnncbco-1030 Monrdaodl Sulldlal
V. G. l(rhnrn, Dld. Sder Mrr. V. H. Nlrh
'So, Crllfornh rnd Arhoar Lor Antdrr-Prtoburn Scorltlo Bldr.
L. S. Trnbrll
Fod Vodh-R. C. Celhlly, Fld Ndond Bnl BHr.
El Pro-(oathotrl hpstlnl od Erportlnr Co., Mllh tulldlu, El Pro, Trrr
The McCloud Rivcr Lumb.r Conprnv, McCloud, Calilonlr fhr Shrvlln-Hhon Conprny, 8end, Orcto
Where Business is to Come lrrom
"Down in Texas recently," relates Thomas Dreier, a man asked Jack Dionne where business is to come from, even after the turn. He couldn't see where the prospects lay.
-"Jack_ther9-upon told him a story from Scott's Lady of the Lake."
"Thg King of Scotland, traveling in the mountains incognito, became lost and was bEing guided out of the mountain fastnesseg by a huge mountaineer, upon whona he had chanced-none other than the kirig's chief enemy, also incognito, Roderic Dhu, leader'of an insurgent mountain army.
"As- they walked, they talked politics, and the king bitterly- condemned the outlaw Roderic Dhu, finail! evpressing the wish that he might meet face to facl 'this rebel chieftain and his band.'
"'Have then thy wish!' Roderic cried, and blew his whistle.
"Instaritly the lonely mountainside was covered wi,tL an army of mountaineers, fully equipped.
"Every tree, every bush, every iock, eviry tuft of grass gave forth a soldier. One minute there was not a man; the next there was an army."
^ D1_ej9r aptly adds: "So it has always been, and so it will be this time, with business. It -comes from everywhere, when the tide turns."
-El. C. Forbes, San Francisco Examiner, February 17, L932.