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Local Materials Prelered For Gov"tnment Building Projects
Washington, D. C., February 15-The movement to compel specification of alternate materials, and preference by th-e purchasing agencies of the federal goverriment and also by contractors and sub-contractors for local. as well as domestic materials, in its building and construction projects, came to the front today. The House Committee on. Expenditures in Exe_cutive Departments held a hearing this afternoon ori the Wilson and other bills relating t6 the subject. H. L. Bravo and Carl Bahr appeared for.-the National Lumber Manufacturers Association; Jas. A. Emery, general counsel, for the National Association of Manufacturers; and J. A. Pugh for the Common Brick Associa- tion. All three favored the bill.
The W-ilson bill, H. R. 8909, is the most comprehensive and satisfactory, according to the National Lum^ber Manutacturers Association. The outstanding features of the bill are:
First: It makes preferences for domestic and local mate- rials and articles in government building and construction incumbent not only upon the heads of d.epartment, ,"J other governmental agencies, but upon all contractors, sub_ contractors and other agents.
The -most important part of this provision is the relation to preference for "locil" products-. Comparatively little foreig-n material would be- imported in any eventj but iI the Wilson bill is en-acted ali governmeni specificaticns must provide that preference muit be eiven for the mate_ rials produced in the locality.of the project whether pur_ chased by the Government direct or-by-contractors, iub. contractors or their agents.
Second: That all government projects paid for out oi funds^ hereafter appropriated shail b" und", desisns and specrhcations that shall provide for the ,,alternatJ use of materials .of proved and- admitted suitability and *ia.iy used for the purpose in question, whether su.t de.ign an'd use_ specifications are -prepared by the federal goveinment or by firms, individuali oi agentj duly design"ila urrJ "-. ployed by the government."-
_ Thid provision will make it certain that lumber and lum ber products will be alternately specified on every govern ment_job for which they -are-suitecl, thus givin! ?f,.- , fair chance with other building matirials.
The Wilson bill also extends to all other departments and- agencies of the government the preferer".' ,ro* "._ corded domestic materials by the Wai and Navy depaii_ ments, but makes the exercis-e of preference irr.u-n."i .rp_ on contractors, sub-contractors and other agent of the gov_ ernment as well as upon the responsible &ecutive hJads.
Herb Klass In East
, HTb Klass, general sales manager of The pacific Lum_ Der Lompany, San I.rancisco, left February 2O on an East_ ern business trip. He expects to be gone'SO a"yr.
^"-Il thrj"S the members of the Douglas Fir plywood .lvlanutacturers sponsoring the 1932 plywood advertisine camparg'n, the name of the Harbor plywood Corp., oJ I{oquiam, _Wash., was inadvertently o-;it.a fr.;-;fi; ; ticle whi:,h appe.argd in our issue-of February iS- -ft. Har.bor llyw_ood Corp. is represented in the California territory- Uy-Q. W. Buckner, oj San ,Francisco, ,;e b;;; Wiscomb, of Los Angeles.