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Enlarged, progratn in The Saturday Eaening Post . . . and 78 other publbations Euery bu,yer, build.er and, specifier will be reached !
L9 32 ;?i.*"d"ii' fi.l?"T" f,':""fi :
wood! Alreadv it is the most talkeilnbout building mareri;l in the uorld. Thogsands of buyers, builders and specifierr are_ d!sg6v61i11g the economies of Fir Plywood and the extra permanence it builds inio the finished job. They're using the l/4,, thickness as a wallboard-'and 3/84 l/2,, and l/4,, Ior i:3;lt*tr, built.ins and'dozens of cabinet
Now-- bated by even more advertising trhan in l93lFir Plywood commands the -arten. tion of alert dealers looking for lioe items to push in 1932.
Month after month in the 19 publicationa shown here, Fir Plywood advertising will call on your beet prospecte, working to turn their interest into profits on your booke. Every type of user and specifier will be reached, again and againhome.owners. contractors. architects, draftsmen, speculative builderei carpenterE, cement contractorE. civil enci. neerg window display men, wood-using planis, manual lratnrng rnEtructorg, etc.
Beeides this publTation advertising, rhou. eands upon thousands of samples, pere6nalized letters, A. I. A, folders, free designs, book lets, broadeides and other literature will continue to be distributed.
With all this salee efrort back of you, youU want to bave plenty of Douglas Fir Plywood in stocko especially the new l/4" Douglas Fir Plywood wallboard. Better order eome today!
And to troeeren things up a bit, ue te ofrerins
Youtll want to tell your local architectr and builders about ttis!
f o+ A $1500.00 prize con. rd? 1661 for architecte and draftsmen. You'll get full details of this when you get the firet Douglas Fir Plvwood broadeido.
2 ndXiu:" ir'o8o:io' ", 3 buy acceptable *idea sketches' showing practical Fir Plywood projecte$25.00 each for every one wo can uee. Thie special ofier ie addreesed to carpenters, contractorq window trimmers and manual training inetructoreand will be featured in our national advertising.
Think of the special intereet thie double ofier will excite among your curtom. erestimulating them to think of ways to uee Fir Plywood on every job. Think how these designa will help you aell more Plywood and other building materials in your community when we broadcast them in our advertising. Send the coupon today!