1 minute read
Here's what roofing applicators are ,saying: ,, 6The first improvement in roll roofing we've seen in years." 66Red Seal Openers are a real time'saver!" Dealers tell us:
6Red Seal Openers gro" us the edge,_whgo selling roll roof' ings-we have something ryey to_talk about."
66O=ur salesmen are sure glad to have whieh comes with Red Seal Openers.t' exclusive featureo a knife to the with the past.
These are just a few of the enthusiastie comments on Red Seal Openersjand this new Pioneer feature is only 2 weeke old!
The old method of using to cut away wrapper, with its possible damage to the material itself, is now q tF"g -",f the'past. You m6rely pull the cord at either end of the roll, and the wrapper falls awa/r intact.
Here is an exclusive Pioneer feature that gives YOU a definite sales talking point-a distinet advantage in selling roofing. It is a feaiuie tha_t corils you and your customers nothing-the cost is borne by Pioneer.
Show Red Seal Openers ! Tell your cns' tomers about them ! Place a roll in your window or on the floor of your display room...slit the wrapper half way down... then watch customerg examine it-and BUY it in preference to the old style roofing package!
p Lakin W.