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"L"k" Appreciation Fund"
"Harry Lake is a man of u'hom we all should be proud. We should honor him for rvhat he is and thank him for rvhat he has done for all of us. Honestly, it would be hard for me to estimate in dollars and cents what he has done for our firm alone. I have something to suggest. The finest watch that mere money can buy with the inscription in the back, 'To the finest lumberman of us all.' I think Harry would be proud of such a watch but prouder still of the sentiment that went with it. I'am attaching to this article as it goes in a check made to 'California Lumber Merchant' marked 'Lake Appreciation Fund.' Come, join the parade. Send in your check if Harry has ever done anything for you. If you can't give spontaneously, don't give at all. You u'on't be asked for money by anyone. It must be given of your own volition, during hard times, too, not as a reward, but as an expression of our appreciation of him, what he has done and is doing."
Excerpt from article "Moses is }fere" by Sam T. Hayward, vice president, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, rvhich appeared in our issue of February 15.
Mr. Hayward has forrvarded "The California Lumber Merchant" a check for $25.@. Since his article was published checks from other lumbermen have been received.
Coos B.y Lumber Co. Will Build Oakland Plant ''/
Coos Bay Lumber Co. is dismantling its Bay Point plant, and will offer the property for sale. Most of the remanufacturing will be done in future at the sawmill at Marshfield, Oregon.
Announcement was made in Oakland, February 24, by George B. Hegardt, manager of the port of Oakland, that the Coos Bay Lumber Co. will lease a five-acre tract immediately adjoining the Ninth Avenue pier, and will build on this site a planing mill and a dry lumber shed and office building. Construction, he said, will start rvithin 30 days of the signing of the lease.
New Yard at Castro Valley
A new retail yard has been opened by the Castro Valley Lumber Co. at Castro Valley, which is a few miles east of Hayward. The Castro Valley Lumber Co. was organized by A. V. Lucas, who will manage the yard. Mr. Lucas was formerly superintendent of the plant of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. at Bay Point.
Mrs. A. Harrington
NIrs. A. Harrington, mother of Glenn M. Harrington, of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, died in Minneapolis, Minn., February 11, at the age of 84.