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McCormiclcSteamerUnloadsCargo Lumbcrmen's Post to Stage Party
at Stockton
A gathering or severar hundred peopre greeted the s.
Peter Helms of the McCormick Steamship Line on its friends are invited to attend. :ru:lx;?l3ill,ll,;8,!!:r'$::iJi:Gf"i:""n"ii1 lumber for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and generar cargo ror distribution at Stockton and other varley points' thing new in the way of an entertaniment and relaxation
Officials of the McCormick lines making the trip from for the tired lumberman. San Francisco to Stockton on the steamer were: Joseph As this will be the first social gathering the lumber fraA. Lunney, operating manager; J. C. Strittmatter, freight traffic manager; Harry Strittmatter, terminal agent at San ternity in the Los Angeles district has held for some time Francisco; john A. Stein or the traffic department, and foreign freight agent;
Capt. B. H. Tietjen, port captain at San Francisco' They the other members of the committee.
N. Eigle, district freight agent, and George p. peu, generar
Peter Helms, l2-year-old boy for whom the vessel was named, was also a passenger on the vessel betrveen San Francisco and Stockton. He is the son of C. E. Helms, first vice-president of the McCormick Steamship Company and the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
They were guests of the Stockton chamber of commerce at a public reception at the municipal dock in the afternoon following a luncheon at the Hotel Stockton.
Prot. F. ru Address
The East Bay Hoo Hoo Club will hold its next regular dinner meeting at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Calif., on Monday evening, March 13, at 6:09 p.m. Professor F. W. Hart of the University of California will address the club. Mr. Hart is a speaker of national prominence and his subject will be "The Price of Civic Complacency." The musical program will be under the direction of Mrs. Frances Brunk.