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We Help You Cultivate Your Markets for Celotex Insulation
O Celoter on ualls and ceiling protectE neu baby chicks in this brooder houseHeyho Buss,t.at r,,, Gilleqtie, Illinois-
Poultry Raisers and Dairy Farmers Offer Profitable Outlers
Poultry raisers know that one winter egg is worth two summer eggs an{ that winter fggs are more numerous when layers are housed in insulated houses.
They know, too, that baby chicks thrive in Celotex insulated brooder houses, because Celotex makes constant, even temperatufes possible.
They are large users of Celotex Insulati.g Cane Board. In thousands of cases Celotex has proved itself a superior material which provides protection from temperature extremes and controls humidity by its ability to make ventilation easier.
Both poultry raiser and dairy farmer ofier you a profitable market for Celotex. Celotex .provides attractive interior finish and is manufactured under tfie Ferox Process (patented) to provide exclusive protection from Dry Rot and Termites.
Now is the time to cultivate these farmers as well as the people who live in town for repair and rernodel jobs.
Ve provide you with helpful literature. rtA Poulny House Selling Plan" will aid you in developing business. For your poultry raiser prospects we will send -you ..poultry Ffouse Construction with Celotextt; for your dairy farmer prospects, (Milk l{ouse-and Cooling Tank Facts." Ask about other plans for farm buildings.
The Celotex Cornpany,9l9 N. Michigon Aoenue, Chicago, Illinois.