1 minute read

guaranteed-Some Britons

I have told tor 20 years-Some

tVill Never Be Slaves

I4 preaching the philosophy of "Share-the-Work" during the past winter, I have'found the following story very effective as an illustration of the state of mind many people get into when they have been unemployed for sometime, and become practically unemployable:

An Englishman had been on the dole for a couple of

More \7ood in Forest Service Building

Washington, Feb. 20.-The need for effective lumber industry cooperation has been greatly illustrated in the evoIution of the building plans for the Forest Servi,ce headquarters building at Ogden, Utah. The original specifications of the architects took no cognizance of the nature of the occupancy and of the fact that the Forest Service, whose headquarters it is to be on the border of the biggest lumber region of the ,country, is itself the administrator of huge timber reserves.

The original specifications called only for wood doors, stair rails and liberal use of wood in the library, particularly for shelving. The National Lumber Manufacturers Association brought these specifications to the attention of the Forest Service, the Supervising Ar'chitects office, the associate architects, the Secretary of the Treasury and the industry. As a result a new contract was let on December 2l and bids are now being taken, based upon the approval of the Treasury Department, specifying the further use o{ wood produ,cts in the following items: sash and frames, doors and trim, and floors for all offices. Consideration will also be given to the use of wood piling. All these changes can be made without important modifi'cation of the original design and rvithout delaying the erection of the building.

Before the intervention of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, aided by the Forest Service, rubber tile was to be used for baseboards and hall floors, and linoleum for office fioors. Now provision is made for wood block set in mastic on a concrete base for the floors.

The Forest Service structure at Ogden is a practical office building to house the varied regional activities of the Service and in no sense is it a monumental or memorial edifice. It will be approximately 100 feet square, 4 stories, and is in a beautiful location. The entire appropriation was for $300,000. After the ground was bought and cleared, $226,000 rernainecl for the building itself.

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