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Rate---$2.50 Pet Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Mer-
Competent Experienced Lumberman
Retail Lumberman seeks connection as manager or assistant, expert accountant, years of experience in all branches of retail lumber and building materials. Have managed one-man yards, also larger lst class plants with planing mill and sash and door department. Open for any position to start. Address Box C-501 California Lumber Merchant.
For Lease
Warehouse equipped complete for handling of Iumber and lumber products. 8Ox135 feet, double frontage, on Santa Fe Siding. Desks, safe and office space included. Apply Roy E. Harrington, care California Moulding Co., 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles.
Retail Lumberman
Well recommended with many years' experience in yard management, selling and plan estimating, desires responsible position with reputable firm. Address Box C-503, care California Lumber Merchant.