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New Paint Up Window Display for Dealers

A new window display, in tune with business recovery, made in ten colors of real paint, with thirteen color effect, is being offered on a cooperative purchase basis by the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, 2201 New York Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., for 1934. The display is especially designed to promote the sale of paint, hardware, seeds, lumber and building materials, and to increase employment.

The new design is identified as "No. 29," and is approximately 33 inches high by 44 inches wide, with three panels, one panel emphasizing interior painting and varnishing and. furniture refinishing, while the large center panel shows a house being painted while an addition is being built, emphasizing modernizing of property, as w'ell as repainting. A man digging in the yard emphasizes gardening, while the third panel represents a giant painter, with brush and paint in hand, surveying the scene of activity. The display carries the admonitions to


Up-Paint Up-Now! Fix Up-Beautify-Moderrrize,"

and reminds the prospective customer that "the longer you wait the more it will cost!"

The display is in very brilliant colors, die-cut and packed in individual cartons for mailing and shipping. It has a space 3/z inches by 13 inches for special imprinting, in the sky of the design. This new display is offered for no profit, but at prices intended to cover only the Bureau's cost and handling. The price is ffl.10 each up to 100 displays; $1.41 each in lots of from 100 to )00 displays; fl1.40 each in lots of )00 or more displays, carriage charges collect. The prices include individual shipping cartons for each display.

A special illustrated circular in colors, fully describing and pricing the display may be had upon requesr to the National Clean Up and Paint LJp Campaign Bureau, 2201 New York Avenue, N. \7., Washington, D. C.

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