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l|ARBIR[ saPn PIY}YI[[

THE MODERN ourDooR.coNsrRUcTtoN wooD

Harbord SUPER Plyuootl fits.1>rectsclJ' lnlo lurilL attd ltontc ttto<lcrni:ing ariit itics and will hclf l,oil ltcel) 7'oil r :lril.rittc.rs itt stef u;tl, thcilt,

Sell it for every outdoor use home buikliug demands. l'or here ar.e ultra-strong panels $,hich Tesist'\\rater )'ear in arrd year out-,,Panels of Permanence." flere are big, uricle panels in rvhich shrinking, srvelling, and grain raising are r.ecluced to a minimum. The;r are lighter, .rvith less moisture content, smoother for ltetter finishing effects, eas_ ier on tools-pallels that architects, contractors, carpenters carl use l'ith savines and satisfaction all dorvu the lirre.

All stoclc.sises ot,ailtblc for iu)tta- diotc sltil,tttctrt. Scnd for HLtrbordata Shcct It o. -;, uhiclt tclls hou Harbord SUPER Pltrruood is made ctrd tt'|ry it lifts itself obote ordinLtry f\'zt'oot! in huilct: ing ontl ral,airs. Addrcs.t tlrc geniral ollices-

A radical departure in pl;'rvood makinpl, develope([ l)]'James Y. Ner-in, Ph. D., ph. C., Chemicai Engrneer rvith patents controlled exclusively by llarbord. Thc plies are fused together \\rith a natural resin-base bond under heat and tremendous Ixessure-IIOT PREST FOR PERIIANENCE. Not only is tlie binder positivell' r'aterproof bur possesses unbelieyal)le strength-the strongcst lrindirr g rrratclial l<rrot'rr.


Mills and.General Offices, Hoquiam, Washington Di stributing,.Wa'"e.houses : Atla nta, Ch ica go, I nd ianapolis, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, philadelphra Hepre:entqti,ves: Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, New York, W-orcester, Washington, D. C,, Kansas City, San - Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Omaha -

Don't overlook Harbord SAG-NOTT Doors ilrat can,t pull loose at the joints. One set of dot'els interlocks rvith the other. Glued tightly under pressure this Cotter-Keyed joint is guaranteed to sta1. tight. Yet it costs no more. Let us give you full details.

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