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Lumber and Canadian ReciprocitY Bargain
Washington, D. C., Feb. 12.-The State Department's notice of intent to negotiate a trade agreement with the Dominion of Canada under the tariff bargaining law has focusecl public attention upon a prospective pact whi'ch was declared today by Wilson Compton, manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, to be of greater interest and importance to the lumber industry than any other reciprocal agreement whi'ch will be undertaken by the U. S. Government.
The leading American exports to Canada are machinery, coal, crude petroleum and gasoline, chemicals and allied products, iron and steel products, automobile parts, fresh fruits, raw cotton, books and printed matter. Nervsprint, wood and rvoodpulp head the list of imports from Canada' Canada seeks larger markets in the United States especially for timber proclucts, cattle and fish.
Total exports to Canada of lumber and '"vood manufactures in 1929 were $24,464,425. '-lhis volume shrunk 86 per cent to $3.517,919 in 1933. Our total imports of the same materials from Canada r.vere $58,981,559 in 1929' These dropped 76 per cent to $13,955,409 in 1933. Canada's sales of lumber and wood manufactures in the United States in 1929 were 144 per cent greater than her purshases of these materials here; by 1933 the excess had irrcreased to 296 per cent.
Groups or individuals interested in making known their views with regard to the prospective rcciprocal trade agreement may submit written statements to the Chairman of the Committee for Reciprocity Information, care of the U. S. Tarift Commission, by March 11. Oral presentation of views by those whose applications to speak have been approved will be heard on Mar'ch 18. The National Lumber Manufacturers Association will submit briefs and oral argument in support of the greatly needed plotections of the domestic American timber market.
Visits Los Angeles Office
G. M. Harrington, president, MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, returned February 25 lrom a ten day visit to the company's Los Angeles office. Mr. Harrington, who was accompanied by Mrs. Harrington, made the trip by automobile.
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