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East B.y Hoo Hoo Club "Lo, Angeles Plan" Approved
East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club celebrated its 10th birthday at its dinner meeting held in Hotel Coit, Oakland, Monday evening, February 18. In honor of the event there was a large attendance of members and guests' iugh Hogan, first president of the club and Chas' S' Lambl the club's .".ond pesident, cut the large birthday cake. Short talks were given by Mr' Hogan and NIr' Lamb' and by Clem Fraser, fourth president, R' A' "Dick" Hiscox' chairman of the organization 'committee, and Milt Hendrickson, the ciub's first secretary' The latter congratulated Carl Moore on the fine job he has done in the past eight years as secretarY-treasurer.
The speaker of the evening was Commander T' S' Williamson of the battle cruiser Indianapolis, who spoke on "The Navy at Sea." S. E. Forsey, Eureka Mill & Lumber Co., introduced the sPeaker.
Larue Woodson, general cl-rairman of the 1935 Reveille' named the various committees who will work fclr the success of the big gathering to be held Aptil26'
President G. F. "Jeriy" Bonnington, who presided' expressed his pleasure at the fine attendance'
Jas. E. ';;immy" Atkinson, now manager of the wholesaie department, Portlancl office, Chas' R' McCormick Lumber Co., recently visitecl San Frar-rcisco to tnake arrangements for moving his family to Portland' They left for Portland FebruarY 19.