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Creosoted But Not Oilv
f UMBER Pr€ssure-t"""rid l' *ith REILLY TRANSPARENT PENETRATING CREOSOTE is drY-not oilY. It has every appearance of untreated *ooi-y.t it is Perl1l9ngl protected against TERMITES iNO nrc.q.y. It does not stain plaster or paper and therefore -can be us-e& .nith safetY for trimo frarning and sub-flooring' You don't need gloves for handling lurnber Pressure-treated *ittr REIILY TRANSPARENT PENETRATING CREOSOTE any more. than You do for untreated lurnber.
Be sure that lurnber rnarketed through your or gonization bears the trademark
By the President
Approval of the "Los Angeles Plan," which is sponsored Uy ih. "Committee of One }Iundred," a representative grorrp of business men, and which calls for the immediate initiation of a construction program in the I-os Angeles metropolita n area of $100,000,000, came direct from the Whit; House at Washington on February 19' The plan was discussed with President Roosevelt and the non-partisan cooperation met with his wholehearted indorsement' Col. Wiltiam E' Evans of the Los Angeles Federal Housing Administration staff has received a letter from M' H" Mclntyre, secretary to the President, which says in part: "The President's attention has been called to the program and luncheon given to Mr' Mofiett on Janttary 31 in Los Angeles. He is especially pleased with the manifesto signed ty ttte leading business men of Los Angeles regardleis of pttitictt affiliation, eviden'cing a very sincere desire to co-operate with the administration through the National Housing Act' Such efiorts toward accomplishment of our common purpose are very welcome indeed'"
Change Of Office
Efiective March 1, MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd" are moving their Los Angeles office in the Petroleum Securities Building from room 628 to larger quarters at room 547. Their telephone number remains the same-PRospect 5931.