2 minute read


By Jack Dionne

Ag not guaranteed---some I have told ror 2o years---some less

He Liked'Em Sfender

The colored brother came into ihe lawyer,s office and announced that he wanted to get a ,.deevoce" from Mandy.

"What's the trouble?,'asked the lawyer; ,.what are your .grounds for divorcing your wife?"

"Mandy jess gettin' too fat," said the husband. .,Ah nevah laks no fat wimmen. When Ah marries Mandy she nice an' slenduh, but now she got so fat she can't hahdly get thu' de do', an' Ah wants to get me a deevoce.,'

"fsn't Mandy a good cook?', asked the lawyer.


1935 Convention Dates

Mar. 4-6-Kentucky Retail Lumber Dealers Association. Louisville.

Mar. 5-6-Southwestern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's As_ sociation, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Mar. B-Hardrvood Manu{acturers Institute, N{emphis, .Tenn.

Mar. S-9-Utah Lumber Dealers Association, Salt Lake 'City. Utah.

Mar. l3-l4-South Dakota Retail Lumbermen's Associa_ tion, Aberdeen, S. D.

Mar. 13-l4-southern Pine Association, Nerv Orleans. La.

Mar. 15-16-Florida Lumber & Millrvork Association. 'Oriand, Fla.

Mar. 2l-22-Nen' Jersey Lumbermen's Association. As_ bury Park, I.I. J.

Mar. 2l-2?-Southeastern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, Ottumr,va, fowa.

Apr. 9-1l-Lumbermen's Association of Texas, Houston.

Apr. 16-National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Washington, D. C.

NIay 15-16-National-American Wholesale Lumber As_ sociation, Atlantic Citv. N. I.

Returns From Northern Trip

Hugh W. Handley, sales manag.er, \ran Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned February 19 from ,a lO-day business trip to E,ureka, Crescent City and Grants Pass.

"Doesn't she take good care of your house and your children?"


"Doesn't she keep your clothes clean?,'

He said: "Yassuh, Jedge, Mandy,s aw right, only doan lak fat wimmen an' Mandy's nachally too fat an' wants me a deevoce."

"Mose," said the lawyer sternly, .,when you married Mandy didn't you say you took her for better or worse?"

"Yassuh,,, said Mose. ,,Ah said ,betta or wuss'_but Ah nevah said 'thick or thin'."

E. K. \(/ood Golf Tournament

The E. K. Wood Lumber Co. of Los Angeles will hold their next gol{ tournament at the Hollywood Golf Club on March 3. The low net winner will be awarded the cup donated by .Warren B. Wood, rnanag€r of the .o-p".ryt Southern California operations. To gain permanent pos- session of the cup, it must be won three times. Charles Howe of the credit department, and I. S. Brown of the re_ tail department, have already won the. cup once.

E. K. Bradfield of the retail sales department rvas award_ ed permanent possession of the first cup donatdd by Mr. Wood, having been low net winner at three of the tourna_ ments.

N"* Wholesale Firm

The Manning-Crow Lumber Co. has opened offices in the Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Ore., where they will caffy on Igencral wholesale lumber business, both cargo and rail. Guy E. Crorv is president, and John N. N4""nin'g, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Cror,v and Mr. Manning have been connected with the lumber industry in the North_ r.vest for a long period and are rvell knor,vn both to the rnills in that section ancl with the large lumber buvers throughout the country


C. W. Buckner, California sales representative, Harbor Plyrvood Corporation, returnecl to San Francisco Februan, 14 from a week's visit to Los Angeles.

Visits Los Angeles Office

Chas. R. McCormick, McCormick Supply Co., San Fran_ cisco, was a recent visitor at the .company's Los Angeles office on a short business trip.

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