2 minute read
Sudden e, Christenson
7th Floor, Alaska-Commercial BIdg., - 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco
American Mill Co.
Floquiam Lumber & Shingle Co.
Hulbert Mill Co.
Villapa Harbor Lumber Millc
Los ANGELES 630 Board of Trade Bldg.
Aberdeen, Varh. Santiam Floquiam, Vash. Trinidad
Aberdeen, Vash. Barbara Catec
Dorothy Cahilt
Raymond, Vash. Edna Chrirtenron Branch Olf,ces: SEATTLE
National Bank 66 Commelce Bldg.
Jane Christenson
Annie Christencon
Edwin Chrietenson
Catherine G. Sudden
Eleanor Christenson
Charles Christenson
200 Henry Bldg.
Hammond Lumber Co. Making lmprovements to Los Angeles Yard
Things are being brightened up around the yard and office of the Hammond Lumber Co., in Los Angeles. The entire interior of the big office building has been newly stained and painted as to the woodwork, and the ceilings and upper walls have been covered with Canec and with Celotex, improving the appearance and reducing the noise very materially.
In addition the big building facing the street that was formerly occupied by the hardware and other departments, has been torn down, and a large parking space will be thus 'created.
C. C. Bowerman
C. C. Bowerman, president of the Bowerman Lumber Company, Glendale, Calif., died suddenly at a hotel irr Phoenix, Arizona, February 13, where he was stopping while enroute by automobile with Mrs. Bowerman for Florida. He rvas apparently in good health when he left home. Mr. Bo'rverman was a native of Michigan, and was 58 years of age. Before coming to Glendale in 1924, he was connected with the lumber business in Idaho at Pocatello and St. Anthony lor 24 years.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Stella Bowerman; a daughter, Mrs. George M. Hammond of Glendale; two grandsons, Charles and Carroll Hammond; a'brother, Guy E. Bowerman of Beverly Hills; and a sister, Mrs. F. W. Taylor of San Diego. Funeral services were held at 11 :00 A. M., Saturday, February 15, at Glendale.
J. W. McClure, secretary of the National Hardwood Lumber Association with headquarters at Chicago, was the guest of the Los Angeles members of the Association at a luncheon at the Jonathan Club on February 25. Mr. McClure is on a tour of the country looking over lumber conditions and calling on the hardwood trade. Following his visit in Southern Californial he left for San Francisco.
Returns To Northwest
Floyd W. Westman, who has been connected with the Los Angeles office of the Washington Veneer Co. for the past year assisting Ted Wright, California sales representative, has returned to Olympia, Wash., where he will be associated with the sales department at the mill. Prior to his coming to Los Angeles, Mr. Westman was at the company's mill.
Buys Yard At Phoenix
The Central Lumber & Supply Co. has purchased the Light Lumber Co. yard at Phoenix, Ariz. The yard will be moved to a new location at 1322 South Central Avenue. R. H. Kennerdell, president of the Corva Cedar Products Co. at Ashforks, Ariz., is the new owner and King C. Light, who will be associated with him, will continue as manager of the vard.