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Rrc--t2.50 Pcl Column
Posttion Wanted
ADVERTISING Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
A retail lumberman of mature age, judgment and business ability desires position. Fifteen years in Los Angeles County. Best of references as to ability, honesty and character. Address Box C-606 California Lumber Merchant.
Situation Wanted
Yard foreman, order clerk, shipping clerk, tallyman or general work in yard and office, age 45 years, of good appearance, active. 25 years' luFber and building material experience on this coast, last 12 years in California. Will go anywhere. Best lumber references. Address Box C-607, California Lumber Merchant.
Lettering in Oil Colors-Prices on Request
Albcrt B. TucLcr ll8% No. Cedar St. - Glendale, Calif.
From the ft
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Bookkeeper For Wholesale Office
Al bookkeeper wanted, capable of taking entire charge of book work in wholesale lumber firm. One with selling experience, who has own car preferred. Give exp6rience, references and salary expected. Address Box C-605, California Lumber Merchant.
A Real Bargain
Will sacrifice for quick sale. Complete yard and stock near Los Angeles. Will discount 40Vo. Box C-604, California Lumber Merchant.
Good Opportunity
Do you want to buy an outstanding retail lumber yard near Los Angeles? Never before offered for sale. Shows handsome profit for the last four years. Will require about $16,000. Twohy Lumber Company, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Years e Calilornia Ago Today Lumber' Merchant, March 1, 1926
E. D. Kingsley, West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., and President of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, addressed the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club on "American Lumber Standards" at its meeting at Sacramento on February 13. E. S. McBride, prebident of the Club, presided at the meeting.
The Diamond Match Co. has opened a yard at Robbins. rt :t rt
The Peninsula Lumbermen's Club held a dinner dance at the Hotel Cardinal, Palo Alto, on Friday evening, February 12.
Lloyd Harris, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, was the winner of the first prize, $100.00, in the Redwood Salesmen's Contest that was recently conducted by the California Redwood Association. J.J. Farley, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, was the winner of second prize of $50.00, and R. E. Seward, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was awarded the third prize of $25.00. A prize of $10.0O, which included the fourth to seventh awards, went to R. T. O'lfara, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Fresno; G. S. Whiteside, Hobbs-Wall & Co., San Francisco; Henry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, and W. G. Hamilton, Holmes Eu16!a Lumber Co., Los Angeles. rl !, The first prize for retail lumber deaiers,,S5.00, was awarded to Curtis Cutter, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sac- ramento; second prize, $25.00, R. E. Wells, West Turlock Mill & Lumber Co., Turlock; third prize, $10.00, W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; fourth prize, $1O.00, Edwin Frane, Frank Frane & Son, Reedley. t ri rl. elto has ccmpleted some new improvements at their plant.
The following received honorable mention: Thomas Cotter, C. & O. Lumber Co.; Wood Bros. Lumber Co., Santa Cruz; J. A. Blanken, Santa Rosa; W. H. Houston, Peoples Lumber Co., Ventura; R. O. Deacon, Deacon Lumber Co., Fresno.
Stuart B. Show has been appointed District Forester of the California District. He succeeds Faul G. Redington, who has been appointed District Forester with headqlarters in Washington.
The Merner Lumber ;.
"Efficiency, precision, dependability and unfailing courtesy pay," says "Al" Koehl of John W. Koehl & Son, Los Angeles, in an interview with a representative of "The California Lumber Merchant", who writes an interesting article on his visit to their olant. **
Frank Park of the Park Lumber Co., La Mesa, has completed improvements to his plant in the way of a new of6ce building and lumber sheds.
"Sugar Pine-lts Propertias, Uses and Grades"
Portland, Ore., Feb. 15.-In the series of publications prepared and distributed by the Western Pine Association a new book has recently been released under the title, "Sugar Pine-Its Properties, lJses and Grades." This book on Sugar Pine is a fitting companion to the books dealing with Ponderosa Pine and Idaho White Pine, completing the triad of publications on these important species.
It is a booklet designed for information' and convenient reference, of 52 pages, size 8fxll inches, with attractive pa.per covers. The text is a clear, authentic exposition of the subject matter and presents essential information pertaining to the wood, its products and utilization, in a comprehensive manner. In logical order the contents deal with important phases of the subject, especially the botanical classification of the species; timber supply and production of Sugar Pine lumber; manufacture, seasoning and grading; characteristics and properties of the wood; recommendations for specific uses; and descriptions of the current standard grades.
The book is notable for its many fine illustrations, with a frontispiece showing an artistic reduced portrait sketch of David Douglas, the noted naturalist who discovered the lordly Sugar Pine species and named it Pinus lambertiana. The other illustrations are from photographic cuts depicting timber and mill scenes; views showing typical installations and uses for which the wood is particularly adapted; and finally, a set of clear, authentic pictures illustrating typical examples of the grades of lumber that are described in the text.
The cover designs are rather unique and decorative. The background consists of a lithographed facsimile of the surfaces of actual Sugar Pine boards, showing the grain and figure, with characteristic marking and natural color of the wood, in a very realistic way. All in all it is a fine specimen of typography and worthy ol a permanent place in the bibliography pertaining to American forest products and their utilization. From the first printing the Western Pine Association is sending several thousand cqpies direct to established architectural firms, and state and federal procurement officers. The booklet will be particularly helpful to individuals engaged in the specification, purchase or sale of lumber.
The Association member mills, through their sales offices, are supplying copies to their dealers, wholesalers and salesmen. Others are purchasing single copies or quantity lots direct from the Western Pine Association, Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Geo. R. Kendrick, district sales manager, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office.
Calls On Trade
Ed lvory, Ivory Pine Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., spent a few days calling on the trade in the Los Angeles territory last month.