2 minute read
The Certigrade Home Gets FHA Loan No. 1
With the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association lending enthusiastic support under the personal direction of its secretary, Frank Carnahan, the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau has obtained from the FHA "Loan No. 1,,' for the construction of a S-room home on a site in historic Arlington County, Virginia, fast growing residential district of metropolitan Washington, D. C.
& Ames, retail lumber dealers of Arlington. The Murphy & Ames'firm has membership in the Virginia Lumber & Building Supply Dealers' Association, of which Harris Mitchell is secretary.
W. W. Woodbridge, manag'er of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, who is now in Washington, D. C., giving personal attention to the project says:
The home is to be known officially as "The Certigrade Home" and was designed by the National Plan Service, Inc., of Chicago. Construction details adequately meet all FHA requirements. No. I Certigrade l€'red cedar shingles rvill be double coursed on the sidewalls at lZ,, exposure, to be painted white after application. The roof will have the same grade and length of Certigrades, prestained a moss green color, laid with 5" exposure. All framing will be No. 1 Douglas fir, while Douglas fir D&M rvill be used for subfloors and sheathing. Western red cedar lumber will be used for exterior trim, door and window frames. lvindorv pulley stiles, window and sash sills, all inside finish ancl cabinets, as well as for fence and gate material. Finish floors rvill be clear, all heartwood V. G. Western hemlock. Only the best grades of each item specified are to be used as the FHA is desirous to have this "Loan NO. 1', home as perfect as possible.
The lot on which "The Certigrade Home" is being built was selected with the aid of the FHA stafi, and is IlZ,y, wide by 62'5" d,eep. The loan was signed by W. D. Richardson and his wife Molly J. Richardson acting for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. Mr. Richardson is a veteran field representative for the Bureau. The loan was made by the First Federal & Loan Association of Arlington and is guaranteed up to 90 per cent by the FHA. ..[, +' +
Construction work on the home will begin immediately, and upon completion u'ill be purchased by Mr. Carnahan.
A. C. N{cMillen of Clarendon. Va., is the contractor who u,ill purchase all of his ltuilding materials from Murphy ll L+J it-r*h tieo dool, J,*l D.!!!rTTF trc-,1i,-r. l-1 . ^ 6o'i.9} i,-"1 Lrvrruc Q.oou r I l3'O"rl?9'
"Everything we are doing in connection with 'The Certigrade Home' is deliberately calculated to emphasize that this housing program should be carried out by making use of the established channels of business, with the purchases of building materials to flow through the 25,@O retail lumber dealers of America who are all set to give the service.
"No plans for 'The Certigrade Home' rvill be sold or in any way distributed by the Bureau, such dis,tribution will proceed through established channels to retail dealers by the National Plan Service, Inc.
"Every effort of the Bureau rvill be to direct inquiries for plarrs and specifications from prgspective builders to the prol)er source, that is, to the nearest retail lumber dealer."