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California Building Permits for January

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East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club

Colored sound motion pictures of the Shanghai area behind both the Chinese and Japanese battle lines were exhibited by Del Frazier at the dinner meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, held on Monday evening, February 2I, at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland.

The pictures rvere taken by Mr. Frazier,.whb flew.over to China on the China Clipper and spent several weeks there.

"Thrills and Chills in Nigeria," was the title of an interesting talk given at the same meeting by Captain Warren, late of the British Army.

The speakers were introduced by Bert Bryan, chairman of the entertainment committee.

Tom Branson, membership committee chairman, introduced a group of new members.

S. C. Forsey, vice*president of the club, presided in the absence of President Henry M. Hink.

Gordon D. Pierce, general committee 6th Annual Reveille, announced that the held on April 22 and 23.

The roll call showed an attendance of Secretary Carl R. Moore.

Rounding Out 62 Years 0l Service To Lumberrnen

It wos woy bock in 1876 thot q speciolized credit service in the lumber qnd woodworking lield come into being. Thot wos sixty-two yeors ogo.

Sixty-two yeors hove brought qbout mony chcnges in the rhethods of mqnulqcture ond distribution o{ lumber qnd ollied products. During these sixty-two yeors this progressive orgonizotion hos kept pcce with the chonging conditio"ns, qnd in mqny respects hos qnticipoted the nevd-f.requirements ol the trode fqr in qdvqnce.

chairman of the Reveille will be

71, according to

California Visitors

E. W. Daniels, vice-president and sales manager of the Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash., was a San Francisco and Los Angeles visitor last week. Mrs. Daniels and their daughter made the trip with him.

Todoy this some progressive, sixty-two yeor old orgonizotion is furnishing o service of credit and sqles inlormqtion for the lumber ond qllied industries, thot hos no equol.

The hecrt of this service is o credit roting book thot is supplemented TIVICE-A-WEEK, keeping the informotion IN THE SUBSCRIBER'S OFFICE right up-todqte, both os to listed nomes ond credit rotings.

A few ol the other reosons why "Lumbermen's" is the prelerred credit service of lumbermen qnd others selling the some trqde, qre:

Listings in the book qre conIined to only lumber concerns, ond furniture ond other woodworking fqctories.

Every nqme listed is clcssified in detoil so thot the kind of business is quickly recognized.

Delinite net worth cnd poy rotings ore given for c very high percentoge of nqmes listed.

Street oddresses qre shown in qll of the lorge cities ond mony oJ the smoller ones--on involuqble oid to circulorizing.

The lorge, cleor type mqkes the book ond supplements eosy to reqd.

Let us prove oll of these stqtements, ond show you numerous other odvontoges ol this service, through 30 doys triql use ol the book ond supplementcl Ieotures. Ask qbout our 30 Day Approvol plon of sub-

roolt ttvlltLrr

Gno88 Ctngulation Kilns

l. 2t% to 50/o morc capacity due to rolid cdge-to-cdge staclcing.

2. Bcttcr quality drying on low tempcraturcr ritfi a fart rcvcteibic circulation.

J. Lowcr rtacking corr-jurt solid edge.to.cdgc rtacking in the rimplcot form.

Makes the Corners Easy to Keep Clean

The above illustrations shorv the Round Corner Base Shoe for baseboards, rvhich provide a cornerless condition of the floor, making the corners as easy to keep clean as the rest of the floor space. They are available in softwoods, hardrvoods or metal, and made for both V" and /r" base shoe mold.

Round Corner Base Shoe Co., Glendale, are the patent

Appointed International Ski Judge

The appointment was announced recently of Wendell T. Robie, of the Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, as an international judge of ski-jumping, qualifying him to judge ski-jumping in foreign lands as well as in the United States. Mr. Robie has been a judge of national ski events for a number of years, and has been prominently identified with the sport.


H. G. Larrick, manager of the Barr Lumber Co. at Solano Beach was a Los Angeles visitor, February 17, on company business.

Let Us Qurrte You Q1---


Lumbcr - l:rh - Millwk - Tlnba - Tia

Piling - Itfirc Polcr - Crr ud Rdlnd Mrtcridg

PORT ORFORD CEDAR (Alo lmm u Whita Ccdar c Law Cyprcs)

Lumbcr - Tier - Cruing Ptuks - Drling Tuml Tinrbcn - Veretlu Bllnd Stck


TIGENTS--Sntrh Wood-Prcduct3' Inc.

Blordcl Dmnn lubcr Millr; Chu. K. Spaulding fagring Cq right owners and manufacturers. W. W. Lemem is president and general manager. Lochlin Dernier, 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angeles, is the authorized jobber to sell to retail lumber yards.

Return From Honolulu

E. L. "Bud" Reitz, of the E. L. Reitz Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Reitz returned recently from a two and a half months' vacation trip to Honolulu. They made the trip on the Matson liner Lurline both ways. "Bud" says they had a most enjoyable time in Hawaii, and that he didn't see a chisel all the time he was over there.

Back From Eastern Trip

G. F. Wetzel, resident sales manager of McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, was a recent San Francisco visitor on his way back to McCloud from an Eastern business trip.

SPLIT REDWOOD Tia - Facc Pctg - Sbitda

Shaks - Stakce - Piliry - Pole - Arch6!

RED CEDAR Shlndes - Trusmi$im Polce - Stubc - Arhm F.ni Pctt. Opcrr Tank Troted q Unbcrtcd

CREOSOTE, PRESSURE TREATED hnbcr - Ties - Pda - Pilins

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