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HS Sash Door and Mill Workers Program Tri-Annual Conference of Millwork Institute of California
The Tri-Annual Conference of the Institute will be a oneday session. It will be held at the Hotel Stockton, Stockton, California, Saturday, March 23.
The Board of Directors rvill meet on the preceding <1ay, Friday, March 22, and. rvill schedule the business 3f tfi. general meeting. The following topics, each of them vitally lm_portant to every man engaged in the manufacture and sale of sash, doors and milhvork, are on the slate for consideration and action:
1. Co-operation With Retail Lumbermen.
2. Legislative Activities-Present and Fnture.
3. The Millvvork Dollar-1928.
4. What New Products, or Those Industries, Can We Manufacture to Capacity ?
5. CertifiedArchitectural attempted to inaugurate a definite program of procedure embracing subjects I and 2 of the foregoing fist. This joint meeting will open rvith breakfast at 8 a.m. in the Hotel Stockton and will remain in session until noon.
6. Revision of Standard No. 128.
,,At 12 o'clock noon, Friday, March 22, the Institute Board will meet at luncheon (Hotel Stockton) and continue in s_ession throughout the afternoon. This meeting will be devoted entirely to arranging the business to corne before the general meeting of the Institute on Saturday.
Lumber Meeting
Now Sold by Other Help Reduce Excess
!Voodrvork. Sash and Door Schedules
..The Frid-ay.mo_rning session is to b=e a joint meeting of directors of the Institute and clirectors of the califo?nia Retail Lumbermen's Association, at which time it will be