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Southern California Lurnberrnen To Meet at Los Angeles
On Saturday afternoon, April 6, the lumbermen of Southern California will meet at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles._ The meeting will open with luncheon, for men only, and the business session will continue through the afteinoon. Paul Hallingby will preside at the meeting. The committees on cement, hardwood flooring, roofing, sash and d.oors, and. legislation will report on their activiiies during tne past ntnety days.
Los Angeles County Drainage Development
(Continued from Page 46) c_essful bidder, but the percentages were much reduced over those shown in Districts Nos.22and 23. Concrete per cubic yard in District No. 26 showed a reduction in the successful bidder's bid of approximately 15 per cent less than that snown tn the estrmate.
All of this saving is shown as a very material benefit to the three districts involved, and has knlt the property owners together as a unit in support of the combined piojects.
IY()UI.D Y()U G(l
When the rest of the lumber industry was using trucks and caterpillars to haul its logs and lumber ?
Of course you wouldn't-the lumber industry moves too fast-competition is too keen. That's why successful lumber yards use the
Hilke Piler
(Pat'd. U. S. md Cmda) lffr
They can't afford to put up with the losses 6f hand oil- ing. The "Hilke" keeps the lumber in good condition, cuts lal-ror costs, incre.ases yard capacity, shortens hauls, reduces alley upkeeo. etc.
IVIechanical piiing ii another step towards bigger proits on your yard. Send for particulars.
MUrry Jac0Ds L0
52E Firrt Avc. So. - Scattlc
Prtlald Su Fruds
Le An3clcr New Orlm
Mmufactured by Johm Mfg. Co. SGattlc, W!sb.
In the evening, the ladies will join the lumbermen for dinner in the mpin dining room at the Alexandria Hotel. There will be an entertainment, and music will be provided for those who wish to dance.
The committee on arrang.ements includes: chairman; H. A. Lake, Kenneth Smith, E. A. J. Stoner, Steffenson, C.
\V. Pinkerton and eaut HattingUy.
To Hold Joint Meeting
The San Jose and the Peninsula lumbermen, and the Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club will hold a joint meeting at the Hotel St. Clair, Monday evening, March 25. Dinner will be served at 6:3O p.m. Secretary paul E. Overend announces that good speakers will address the meeting.
Any old band raw won't do-that ir, if ,,ou waDt to hold pro- duction and Lecp down your opcrating cortr. To rccure rrnooth, fart cutting try STMONDS NARROW BANDS. Thcy are wcar-rerirting rtcet, medc jurt for SIMONDS-Iho bleder that givc bcttcr rcrvice. You'll bc plcared whcn you ree e Simond. op.ratc.
'.Thc Saw Makcrrtt
4lD Eart Third Strcet
22E Firrt Strcct Lor Angotcr San Frrncirco