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The Golden Rule Needs no Priority Order

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It is unnecesscrry to tell sound business men the importcmce oI never tooling c customer, or to remiad them ol the lcct thct cr Emqrt mcn will never let you lie to him but one time. But reminding even the best men tlrcrt the use oI the Golden Rule grows nore importcnt in time oI trouble crnd should never be overlooked in cny trcde, is cdvice-giving thct ccn hcrrdly be overdone.

These cre the sort of times when it is doubly importcnt lor the merchcrnt to keep his ccrds lcce up on the tcble, cnd keep his customers plcrinly crnd frcmkly cdvised concerning the building situcrtion" It scrves c world oI trouble cmd misunderstcmding. You lnow more thqn your cuslomer possibly can crbout building conditionE, rules, restrictions, mcrtericls, prevcriling situations thct dfect the builder. Give him the unvcrnished lcrcts, in order that between you his needs mcy be best served. Give him the scme sort oI cdvice you wcrnt given you, when.it becomes your lot to need something concerning which you trre not fully inlormed. Donl misinlorm your prospect by mcking him think resbictions cre more difficult than they reclly cre; crdvise him iust rrs You would wish to be advised about mcteriqls cnd services crvcrilcrble. He depends on you qs cr relicble expert in your line oI business to keep him lully inlonned. Be certcrin thct you deserve thcrt confidepce.

There wcs once c benevolent rich mcn who look c liking to c certcrin ccr' penter, cnd decided to help him. So he hired him to build c nice home on the side oI cr lovely hill, cnd then the owner went cnucy on cr long iourney. When he lelt the ccrpenter scid to himseU: "The boss is gone cmd wort't know what sort oI cr iob I do. I cqn use shoddy mctericrls, crnd neglect <r loi oI the wcll cnd roof supports beccuse they won't show when the house is completed, crnd no one will lnow the difference but mysell." So he did.

When the rich mcn ccme bqck the house wcs finished, cnd the ccupenter showed it to him cnd strid: 'Ilere is your house." *Thank you," scid the rich mcrn, "crnd here is the deed. ['m mcking you ct present oI it." And the ccrrpenter grieved that he hcd robbed himsell oI cr good house.

We recrp whct we sow in cny line of business, in cury wclk ol life. We hcve to live in the house of lile we buitd. II we do shoddy work, il we "soldier" on the iob, il we use improper mqteriqls crnd cover them up, we only hurt ourselves. We hcve to live in cr house without chqrcrcter. We hqve to live with ourselves. It is cr vitcl lcct that ecrch oI us todcy is building cr house we will hcve to live in tomorrow. We ccn mcke it c pcrlcrce or q hovel, a mcnsion or c pigpen" but we've got to live in it.

II we build it on Golden Rule mecsurements, we will elimincrte the hcrzcrd oI getting ccrught, crs the ccrrpenter did, in our own trcp.

U. S. Halts Home Building in San Francisco and Peninsula

Priorities on all San Francisco and Peninsula home construction, both private and public, were halted by Federal authorities on March 19, until such time as existing vacancies are filled.

Carl Smith, senior housing specialist with the Defense Housing Co-ordinator, said his decision to refuse further priorities was based on surveys showing the number of vacancies in San Francisco, including a recent survey by Assessor Russell Wolden that placed vacancies at 10,300.

Mr. Smith announced at the same time that the ban on home construction in Marin County, that has been in effect for several months, will be lifted as soon as work begins on the new Sausalito shipyard.

The San Francisco Building Trades Council and Associated Home Builders challenged the vacancy surveys and insisted that construction of defense houses in the $6.000 bracket continue.

The priorities ban will not affect the West Side Courts, lorv cost housing project to cost $599,389, for which the San Francisco Housing Authority recently received approval from Washington to begin construction.

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's housing project in the Lake Merced area will not be affected by the ban.

Simpson Logging Co., Door and Plywood Division, Succeeds McCleary Timber Co.

The door and plywood plant of the McCleary Timber Co. at McCleary,'Wash., which was recently purchased by the Simpson Logging Co., Shelton, Wash., will be known and operated under the name of Simpson Logging Co., Door and Plywood Division.

South Sound Lumber Sales, Inc., 1610 E. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, who represented the McCleary interests in Southern California, will continue as exclusive representatives of the Simpson Logging Co., Door and Plyrvood Division in this territory.

A. L. Stafford New Yard Manager

Austin L. Stafford has been appointed manager of the San Pedro Lumber Company's yard at Whittier, succeeding George Hilton, Jr., who has taken a similar position with the Peoples Lumber Company in Ventura.

Mr. Stafford's experience in the lumber business covers sixteen years. He started with the Rogers Lumber Company in Hastings and Waurika, Okla., and r.vas their manager for seven years; assistant manager, Long Bell Lumber Co., Wichita Falls, Texas; Compton Lumber Company, Compton, Calif.; and was connected with the San pedro Lumber Company's sash and door department in the Los Angeles office before he was sent to Whittier last fall where he was assistant manager before taking over his present position.

Assisting him at the Whittier yard is Miss Beatrice Haggard, bookkeeper and cashier, and Harold (Bud) Mayes, yard foreman.

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