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Lumber Merchants of North ern California Hold Spring Meetins

There was an attendance of 150 at the spring meeting of the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California, held at the Palace lfotel, San Francisco, March 20.

The executive committee met at breakfast. This was followed by a meeting of the board of directors at 1O:30 a.m. President Ray Clotfelter presided. The principa! business before the meeting was consideration of group insurance and the matter was referred to the executive committee to work out details.

Ray Clotfelter presided at the afternoon session. Dick Wilson, Willard Lumber Co., Fresno, was master of ceremonies.

Major General David P. Barrows, professor of political science at the University of California, spoke at the luncheon on the progress of the United Nations' war effort in the South Pacific, illustrating his talk with a large map of the area.

"Your Government and Your Business" was the theme of the first part of the afternoon session. Representatives of four Government agencies made brief talks. These were Carl Smith of the Defense Housing Co-ordinator's office; Joseph Schnell, War Production Board; Ben C.

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