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\(/he eler Osgood Announces "Color-Grading,1Ne* Door Labeling System

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A new and totally different system of identifying and labeling grades of stock Douglas Fir doors makes its appearance this month, when Wheeler Osgood "ColorGraded" doors go on the market through the company's jobbers and dealers.

Every "Deluxe" Grade A and "Master" Grade B Wheeler Osgood door will carry a new paper label, securely attached to the bottom rail. Grade A labels will be blue, and feature the grade, size, style, surface and company guarantee; Grade B labels will be red, and feature the grade, size, style and surface of each door.

"Branded doors guarantee quality," explains N. O. Cruver, vice-president and general manager of Wheeler Osgood, in discussing the company's program. "We are proud to prominently place on our doors our name, our guarantee, and grade."

"fn times like these we feel that every contribution our firm can make to assist dealers, builders, contractors, and architects is doubly important. That's why we're proud to offer "Color-Grading" to the building industry."

The "Color-Grading" system, developed after constant sales research and study, is designed to aid dealers in selling, checking and merchandising these grades of doors. The bright color labels make it possible to see at a glance the grade of door being sold. Because the dealer can see what doors he has in stock, inventory is speeded up considerably. Wheeler Osgood expects that more highergrade doors will be sold as a result of "Color-Grading," since the new labeling system invites comparison of doors, and offers dealers a new talking point to feature to customers.

For the first time in the industry, a manufacturer's name is given prominent display on a door. The famous Wheeler Osgood guarantee also receives added selling punch and power, U.S. Standard Grades and Designs are guaranteed. Dealers are offered a saving in time, and many new merchandising advantages formerly unknown.

Thousands of Wheeler Osgood doors are now going into military and Government housing projects all over the nation, according to company executives. At the same time they report that Wheeler Osgood doors are available to their customers for immediate delivery.

Advertisements feature the advantages of fir doors, along with the new "Color-Grading" system, and offer readers free literature on "Color-Grading" through the use of a coupon.

This new development marks Wheeler Osgood's fiftysecond year of business. Today, the company, one of the largest in the industry, manufactures a complete line of interior and exterior doors for every architectural requirement.

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