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"Foot-Hills Hoo Hoo Club"
Mr. E. T. Robie
The lumbermen of Auburn, Nervcastle, Colfax, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Folsom, Placerville and s'everal other communities in this district have organizedthe "Foot-Hills Hoo-Hoo Club." Auburn will be the headquarters of the new organization. The new club will be designated No. 65.
Mr. E. T. Robie, Auburn, prominent Northern California lumbermah, was the leader in the movement for the organization of the new Hoo-Hoo (Xub, and with the assistance of the Hoo-Hoo members in the District, they plan to have an active Club m'embership. Mr. Robie has always been active in Hoo-Hoo affairs and has acted on the Sacramento Valley District Nine. At an early date an election of Club officials will be held.
The Riverside and San Berhardino Hoo-Hoo were hosts to Arthur A. Hood, Snark of the Universe on Tuesday, March D. Lunch was held at the Mission Inn after which there was a general round table discussion of H'oo-Hoo matters.In the afternoon, Mr. Hood was taken on a tour of the city and the party also made the trip to Mt. Rubidoux.
In the evening he met with the San Bernardino HooHoo where a large crowd attended dinner which was held at the New California Hotel. During the dinner hour, there was an excellent entertainment program. Wesley Shrimp acted as toastm,aster and the principal address of the evening was made by Snark Hoo4 During the evehing, several songs were rendered by Dee Essley, which were greatly enjoyed.
W. B. Wickersham and a group of Los Angeles lumbermen accompanied Snark Hood on the trip.
Loyal Legion Of Loggers And Lumber Convention
Announcement has been made that the convention of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen will be held on May 16 and.17. The convention this year will be held at Portland, Oregon.
Sunnyvale Lumber Company Changes Hands
The Sunnyvale Lumber Company has been purchased by the Lucas Manufacturing Company of that city. Mr. F. A. Lucas, president and general manager of the company, announces that he intends to expand the business materially.
From Mill to Yard
Back of the big Hammond reserve lumber stocks are sawrnills of unlimited capacity and a feet of Hammond ships to transport this stock to Los Angeles F{arbor.
So Flammond's are ttalways readytt for that rush order-a safety insurance for every retail yard.