8 minute read

Report of Resolutions Committee

(Continued from Page 46)

WHEREAS, 'We recognize that individual members are impelled to action more through self interest and local problems than through altruism, and

WHEREAS, The adjustment of local difficulties will tend, more than any other thing, to satisfy the desire of all members to obtain lasting benefits from Institute activities, and,

WHEREAS, A more satisfactory and prompt consideration of questions pertaining to restricted areas can be secured in regional meetings, therefore be it, -Rii-SbtVE-t,-rn"i titl Board of Directors consider"the following recommendations and advise the general body of its decision by letter:

(a) That the Managing Director divide the state into zones or regions and that each zone or region hold at least two meetings annually to consider and decide on problems affecting its own territory.

(b) That instead of holding tri-annual meetings of the entire membership as at presetrt, there be but one annual meeting of the whole membership and that this annual meeting be devoted entirely to the consideration of State-wide problerns growing out of the recommendations of the Regional meetings.

WHEIREAS, It has been demonstrated beyond debate, that a Price Guide which shall be standard throughout the state, is an absolute necessity, and that delay in its general adoption will accornplish nothing constructive, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That we ratify the schedules issued by the Managing Director's ofrce as well as the Sash and Door compilation presented by the Los Angeles County Branch, and be it further

RESOLVED, That the millwork schedules now ready, be printed in loose-leaf form, and that the Sash and Door schedules be changed from net prices to list prices subject to a discount of 50y'o, and. then printed in looseJeaf form, and that all become the official and standard pricing system of the entire membership, and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Managing Director be authorized, before printing the Standard Price Guide, to make any such adjustments in the schedules as might seem advisable following a study of the schedules by each Branch. The recommendations of each Branch to be in the Managing Director's hands not later than April 10.

WHEREAS, The distribution of information being collected by the Managing Director through questionnaire investigations is useful to all members, and

WHEREAS. The usefulness and accuracy of the composite findings are limited to the number and completeness of the responses received, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That every member be urged to give th'e Managing Director hearty and prompt cooperation in the preparation of the data requested by him, to the end that the information compiled be a tiue and complete composite of the industry, and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Managing Director be instructed to make another attempt to secure replies to Questionnaires 13 and 14 from all members who have not yet replied, and that he with-hold publication of the "1926 Millwork Dollar" until such time as the ieturns exceed in number, the 1925 returns.

WHEREAS, Neither this body as a whole nor any special committee representing us, has been able to properly consider Senate Bill No. 1050, concerning the licensing of contractors, therefore be it RESOLVED. That the position of this organization be the same as that of the California Retail Lumber Dealers Association, and that the Managing Director so advise the proper parties as soon as we learn the exaci position of the California Retail Lumber Dealers Association.

WHEREAS, The Publicity Committee of the Millwork Industry in cooperation with the Natiorial Lumber Manufacturers Association, is collecting funds for a National Advertising Campaign, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That we endorse the program in its entirety and recommend that every member who can do so contribute to the fund, and that the Managing Directdr so advise the entire membership as well as the Millwork Publicity Committee.

WHEREAS, 'Mr. Henry T. Lumb has requested that we cooperate in the movement to create a Central Millwork Council representing all regional associations, and

WHEREAS, This plan was originally suggested and spoirsored by our Managing Direttor, Mr. Didesgh, in his address before the National Convention of the Millwork Cost Bureau in Chicago, on April 16, 1925, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That we heartily endorse the efiorts of Mr. Lumb and advise him that the Millwork Institute of California desires membership in the Council, provided however, that dues are nom' inal only, and be it further

RESOLVED, That the President appoint our representatives. on the Council (3 in number-two of whi.ch are to. be the President and the Maniging Director) immediately after'this meeting, but that for the present our representatives confine their contact and cooperation to written communications.

The representatives appointed are: H. P. Dixon, President, M.I.q, American Mfg. Co., 5giO So. Normandie, Los Angeles; A' W. Bernhauer, Vice-President, M.LC., Fresno Planing I\fill,- Fresno, Calif.; H. T. Didesch. Managing Director, M.l.C., Box 267, Hollywood Sta., Los Angeles.

WHEREAS, Many have contributed to the success of this meeting and comfort and entertainment of the delegates, therefore be 'RESOLVED, That the thanks of the Institute be tendered to all Sacramento millmen, to Joe Shepard and his committees, and to the Chamber of Commerce

WHEREAS, The publicitS' accorded us by the trade press is a very helpful influence in our work, therefore be it {OSOI-VEO, That we express our thanks ancl apprec-iation tl the Timberman and the California Lum,ber Merchant for their assistance in broadcasting the program and proceediirgs of the Institute. and that we also thank Sash-Door-F.'inish and the American Lumberman for the space accorded us in their columns. '

WHEREAS, For the first time since the formation of the Millwork Institufe of California, the familiar face of Geo. M.' Cornwall is missing from our sessions, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Managing D,irector be instructed to cable Mr. Cornwall ths greetings of the Institute and thank him for his message to us.


R. R. Smith, Chairman Owen S. King

LeRoy Miller

Cly.de Speer


C. Treff

(Unanimously carried.)

Rdict $2.50 pcr colannn inch The Fellow Who Wants toBeHired


Will sell one of the largest and best retail yards in Seattle. If interested write SEATTLE. care California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber And Millwork Salesman Wanted

WANTED: Lumber and Millwork Salesman, capable of taking quantities from plans. IVIust be first-class. Salary or commission, car furnished. Location Palo Alto. Address Box C-110. c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.

Wants Connection Withline Yard Concern

WANTED: Connection with line vard concern in Western States. Have had five years' experience in retail lurnber as yard man, bookkeeper, assistant manager and general office experience. Now employed as agsistant manager in town of 14SOO but concern is selling out. Have had some oil field experience. Can furnish good references and report on short notice. Will consider rnanagement of yard in town of 3,000 or les6, or assistant manager in larger town. Would go on road. Please state salary and future. Box C-109. c-o Calif. Lurnber Merchant.

Experienced Lumberman

Experienced lumberman is open for position and would like to locate in Southern Califolnia. Fbr many years lvas associated with large Southern Yellow Pine manufacturer and knows eastern trade. For the past several years has been located in the Northwest and is familiar with the California trade requirements. Would consider position with wholesale or large retail lumber concern. Address Box C111, c-o Calif. Lurnber Merchant.

Position Wanted

Experienced retail lumberman, competent to manage yard, estimate millwork, desires position manager or assistant manager, or office work. San Francisco or Oakland prefcrred. References.

Address Box C 105, c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.


Wanted to buy for cash. Good rotail yard, praferably in interior of California. Give full details es to amount of lnvostmcnt, talcs by morrth, ctc.

Address Box C-106, Care The California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Yard For Sale

FOR SALE: Retail lumber yard, on one of the principal streets of a city which has the greatest future of any city on the coast. Less than $40,000 will handle. This is worth investigating. For details, address Box C-108, c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.

Competent Office Man Wants Position

15 years' experience. Had charge of line yard office for several years and is an expert accountant. Has specialized in lumber work. Understands estimating all kinds of mill work. Competent to handle any kind of a position around a lumber plant. Address Box C Ll2, care California Lumber Merchant.

STATEMENT OF THE OWNt,RSHIP. IVIANAGEMEIVT. CIRCULATION. ETC., REOUIRED BY THE ACT Otr COI{GRESS OF AUGUST 24, I9IZ, Ol Tte Califorul* INfibcr Merchanr, publishcd Scrri-rnonrhly it Lda Angeles, Cal., for April, 1, L927. State of California I ciu-iti-ot-r.li'Iir"te.. I ""'

Boforc nc, a Notery Public in ead for thc 9trto ud coultt rforc. said, persmally appcar;d J. E. Mertin, who, hrving bccn duli swon eccofdint to lew, dctrolcr and ,ayr that hc ir thc Mrttrina Editot of The Crlifornir Lurnber Mcrchalt. en<l thet tltc l6llo$ida itl ro tbc Dclt of his knowlcdgc aad belicf. d truc statcment of thJ oiaershir. managcncnt (and if e deily paper. tho circulrtiol). ctq. of thc tforii s.ld Dlblicstbd tor thc deti tho*n in thc etoic crirtbo. rcouircd by th. Act of Au$0t A, 1912. embodicd in rcctioa 4U: Poir.l L.rr rnd Reguhtiotr, piiatcd on thi rcvcrrc of thir forn. t6 rit: l. Tf,rt tbc na6e! rnd eddrcltcl of thc oubllcb.r.'cdltoa urnrrtlr editor, ead bullncrr ttr.lelcrr arc: Fublighcr. J. C. Diolna,3tg Ccl-trr'l Bldg., Ior Angcles; Editor. J. C Dioonc,3i8-Ccntral Bldi.. Iae Ao. gelcs; Ma-njrgiag &l-itor, J. E, Martin, 318 Ccntral Bldg., Ioi Argrlcs; SUStnesA .[0,anagcr, None. f. That thc ltno*n bordho)dcre, notlgegccr, eld othcr rccrrrlty holders owaing or holding I gcr ccnt'or moieif t6tal amounfof bondr'. mortgrf€r, or, otlrcr rffiriticr erc: (If thare aro troner so stato.) Notre:

2. Tt t tbe orncr ir: (If orncd by I corooratlon. ltr nl6c |ttd addrcrt murt bc rtrtcd aad elto immidiatelv-tbcreuridcr thc armcc and rddrcrlcr ol rtoctrholdcrr ownilt ot holdinr one rrcr ocnt or frorc of totrl eaount of rtocl. If tot owactl by r-corooiation. tbe ntmel and cddrccccr of thc individual owncrt muit bc sii'ca. If'osncd bv e 6rm, conpany,.or othcr unincorporatcd codccrn. its nartrc aad addricr. .r !'cU {_tborc o! c!6h individual mcnbcr, rrruit bc givcn.)

J. C. Dionuc. 318 Ccdtrsl 8ldq.. Loc Aacclcr.

{. That thc two p.ragruph! lcxt abovc. rlriat tha !t6cr dt th6 olvDcrr, rtockholders, end rccurity holdcrl iI eai. contrin lot orlt lhc lirt of rtockholdcra end cccurity holdcrr rg tf,cy tolcrr uoon thi b6ol.- of-t!! coGp.nt lh.t rl.o, In clt r vherr iho-itocthrildcr or security bolder appcars upon -thc bookr of t_bc_ corgtry rr tnrtc. o-r in- aoy otber 6{uciary relation, thc nsEc oI tha toirci or cotborr. tion for wbom sucb trultcc i! acting, ir g{vcn; rlco-fhrt lhc rairf tto par,agraphc cont.in rtrtemento crnbr-Ccin3-effiait'e full howlcdrc ind bclicf rr to tbc circunstrncc! rrd coaditionl ur&r lhioh rtoc&boldrrr and cecurity holdcrs wbo do not apperr upon thc booh of th:c -cortolli aa trustcca, bold ctoc} and securities in a capacity other than that-of i boDr 6dc ortl.ri ard tbit tfri.tt hec no rcarsl te bctcvc thrt ely sttcr pcrsott, aSsociitioa, or c6rltdrttlon hrr tly intcrcst dlrCct or indirect in the laid stock, boada, or othcr reclritics than a: so stated bv him.

5. Thft tlc rv.rf,af nueber of coficr e{ creh iroc ol t-hir o16ll. catb...!old or.di.t?iDutcd, thrdga,h ihc..rrdlr. or- ottclfbc, !o- lrld suDscrrDcrr cuflng tnc atr taontis prcccdtnl tm drtc tbor! lbe"6 ir (Thir irforrf.tkro ir rcquircd frorr drilv oobf,catimr rillv.l t. E. MAnfIn: lfrnarinc ldif6r. Swotn to and oubrcribed beforc me tliir 25th dav of 'March.- t02. TSEALI FREDA N. PAULSO}I. (My cdirliission s:pircs At!, lt, 1930.)

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