1 minute read
Spring, to the lumber dealer, is something more than singing in the sunshine. It means the filling up and rounding out of yard stocks to meet building demand. This year it is already difficult to obtain all the required items and indications point to more seriousshortages Iater on if ordersare not placed early enough to permit accumulation of stock by the mill. Supply anddemandis working in that direction.
On one hand we havehousing programs and returning farm prosperity to increasedemand, on lhe other thegreatestshortage of mill stocks ln years.
You can't sell items you haventt got and the mill can not supply. Place your orders as early as possible.
Red River Mixed Cars
. . . one loading, one shipment, one billing, one handling of lumber products and plywood panels and wallboards. This reduces your unit costs and the time consumed in buying scattered l.c.l. quantities or multiple loadings.