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Rate---$2.50 Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Position wanted by Experienced Lumber Yard Manager or Assistant Manager. Fifteen years' experience as Manager of retail yard. Thirty-nine years old and married. Address Box C-536. California Lumber Mer,chant.
For Sale
Lumber yard and small mill. East Bay district in thriving town. Old established business. This is worth investigating. $5000.00 plus stock inventory will handle down payment. Address Box C-544, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Open For Bookkeeper And Assistant To Manager
Retail yard in well located country town wants experienced man with some knowledge of bookkeeping to act as assistarit to rnanager. Must have country yard experience. State age and past experience. Applications confidential. Address Box C-546. California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Salesman
Desires to make connection with either wholesaler or' nranufacturer. Well acquainted with retail trade in both Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. Can furnish best of references. Address Box C-540. care California Lumber IVIerchant.
Some first class retail lumber yards in Southern California have been placed in our hands for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., 549 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Experienced Yard Man Wanted
Retail Lumber Yard in large country town wants experienced yard man. Must know paints, hardware and general building materials. State age and past experience. Applications confidential. Address Box C-545 California Lumber Merchant.