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Stumpage and Log Prices Show H. M. lsenhower Great Fancier
Increase in 1934
Increasecl sturnpage and log prices in 1934, as compared with 1933, are indicated in a preliminary tabulation b1' the Forest Service, of. 1934 sales of privately owued timber stumpage and of logs. The tabulation was made from re,cords collected in cooperation with the Bureau of the Census, based on more than two billion feet of stumpage and nearly two and one half billion feet of logs.
Subject to revision in the final compilation, the follor'ving percentage of increases (1934 over 1933) are now indicated: softrvood stumpage 7.6 per cent; hardwood stumpage, 2'5 per cent; softwood logs, 11.1 per cent, hardwood logs, 12.4 per cent. Of the more important species, Douglas fir stumpage increased 5.4 per cent, logs 12.5 per cent; southern yellow pine stumpage increased 20 pet cent, logs 17.2 per cent; Northern White pine stumpage increased 5.7 per cent, logs 5.9 per cent; Ponderosa pine stumpage in'creased 10.6 per cent, logs 8.1 per cent; oak stumpage increased about 1 per cent, logs 14.6 per cent; gum stumpage increased 23.2 per cent, logs 13.1 per cent. Maple stumpage remained practically unchanged in price, but maple logs increased 4.1 per cent.
Visits Sawmill
Bob Caldrvell, Hammond Lumber Company, Sau Francisco, returnecl April 8 frorn a visit to the companl"s mill at Samoa.
o[ Pedigreed Dogs
Harvey M. Isenhotver, sales representative for the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company, is the orvner of a Pointer bird dog rvhich rvhelped eight pups on February 24. The accompanying photograph' which rvill be of interest to all sportsmen in the lumber fraternity, shows the eight husky young canines. The voung lady in the picture is Miss P.ggy Isenhower.
The pups are all males which is very uuusual as in a litter of pups there are generally more females than males' Both the father and mother are registered pedigreed dogs; the father, Burning Fo,201262, and the tnother, Mable Dee, No. 185665. These pups which are for sa1e, llarvey stateq, are some of the finest stock in the United States. Mr. Isenhorver's address rs 3725 Third Ave., Sacramento, Calif.
Back From The Northwest
Perry A. Dame, Western representative of The Upson Company, with headquarters in Hollywood, returned recently from an extended business trip to Northern California and the Pa'cifi'c Northwest. His trip included visits to San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane.