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rtow Lumber Looks
_Shipments from the lumber mills during the week ended March 30 were the heaviest of any week of"1935, except onel production was less than in recent weeks, and new busirrl"" was about the same according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association
Reports from 1,085 mills for the week ended March 30 showed -production 165,541,000 feet, shipments 2O3.O44rOOO teet, and orders received l97rg29rOOO f.eet.
New busines" t"ol* l" ,r"-**r-ao"rJt.r-b"rmen's Association for the week ended March 30, 523 mills reporting, was 192:!-!5.79r- feet, shipments, 98,715,611 feet, and^ prodiction 8Er357r422 f.eet. Current sales were over production by te p",
9en9 a1d- shipments wete ll.7 p.. ""t t orr"-,'production. .Orders about 9,OOO,OOO feet booked for ihe week fot the week by these mills were gTOOOTOOO o".j. tl" preceding wgek o1 approximately 9.6 per cent. The unfilled order file at the mills ,i"od "t lgi,Sg7,|iS feet.
The Vestern Pine Association for r:he week ended March 3e 122 mills ^t:g9.ji"g, gave new business as 43,977,0O0 feet, ship- ments 4710961000 feet, and production 1116g91000 feet. Ordeis were 38.7_per cent over production, and 6.6 per cent below ship- ments. Shipments wete 48.6 per cent over production. Ordeis on hand at the end of the week totaled tg+it77,OOO f.eet.
The California Redwood Association for the week reported production from 15 mills as S,gt6rOOO feet, shipments gr0bgr0d feet, and new business 614591000 feet. Oiders on hand at the end of the week totaled 32r5O9,00O f.eet.
259 hardwood mills for the week ended March 30 gave new business as 181588,000 feet, or 2O per cent above prid,r.tioi, and shipments 17,994,0OO feet, or 16- p.. cent above iroduction. Production ri,as 15r5O5,00O feet.
, Ptl". Market_ prices are pretty firm. Generally speaking ttre Ponderosa advances over the Code list thai have been put into effect from time to time are being well maintained. S.riar Pine prices ar9 v_ery strong, and all it.-, .r" selling consid"erably over Code lisi.
Redwood. Market is firm and active. Movement from mills is steady and continuous. Demand for tank stock still exceeds the supoJ/. The demand for Redwood shingles is picking uf, due to the promotion work of the Redwood -StringtJ BureZu.'' _ Douglas Fir. No.3 Common is very scarce. Cimmon prices have strengthened somewhat in the iast two weeks. Stringte prices are strong. There is no speculative buying in spite of ti" threatened strike of loggers and sawmill *orLoi Rail business rs quret.
Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled 316861000 feet on April 6 as against 4,671:000 feet for the preceding week. Cargo-arrivals .il,o, Angeles harbor for $e_w9ek ended April 8 amounted to t2,926,O{o feet which in"t""*d. 15 cargogs of Fir carrying ll,g5groo0 f.ee6 and 2 cargoes ot Redwood with 1r068r0fi) feet. 61 vessels were opetatin! in the coastwise lumber service on April g; 39 vessels *!r"i.iil"f.
\(/. T. Coo per Back in Wholesale The Diamond Match Company Lumber Business Buys Two Yards
_, Wilfred T. Cooper is now selling for the Wendling_ Nathan Co., The Pacific Lumber Compan1,, and A. L. "Gus" Ifoover in the Southern California territory. He will devote most of his time to Douglas fir.
Mr. Cooper is well known to the Southern California re- tail lumber trade where he has been connected with the wholesale lumber business for many years.. He will make his headquarters at the offices of ,.Gus', Hoover, 200 South La Brea Ave., Lo,s Angeles.
George Grant Visits Los Angeles Office
George Grant, California sales manager for the Coos Bay Lumber Co., returned to Oakland Jr Marcn 29 after a week's visit to the company,s Los Angeles office.
The Diamond Match Company recently purchased the yards of Livermore Lumber Company, Livermore, and J. B. Blair Lumber Company, placerville.
Buys Ne* Yard Ste
The Western Lumber Company of San Diego recently purchased the site at La Jolla formerly occupied by the Spreckles Commer'cial Company yard, and have moved their La Jolla plant to the new site. They have built an addition to the planing mill at their main plant in San Diego and have replaced some of the machinery with new equipment. The company recently opened a wholesale department.