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Control Committee Discusses Big Attendance Expected at Enlorcement Situation o[ Lumbermen's Reveille
Lumber Code
At the conclusiou oi the n.reeting of the National Control Committee rvhich convened at \\rashington, D. C., on April 2, the Lumber Cocle Authority on April 9 sent the follon'ing telegram to the clivisions and subdivisions of the Lumber Code:
"Control comn-rittee today conclttclecl rveek's session clevoteci entirely to euf orcdment situation o{ lumber code brought to crisis by withdrarval of appeal in Belcher 'case. During this time it l'as almost constantly in 'confereuce rvith officials o{ the NIRB ancl revier,ved and studiecl in detail jointly rvith theur complex ancl involved situation both from point of view of industry ancl of board. At conclusion of conference tocial'. program for fttture action lvas agreed upon. Cornmittee annouuced its intention of presenting promptly to inclustry report of its discussions and indicated industry rvould soon be asked to express its viervs on amendments to code to be proposed lty NIRB. Prog'ram as announced today by board, follows :
"First-it u'ill be made clear that compulsory enforcement of code 'ivill not be undertaken during continuance of conditions making it inequitable.
"Second-Governlnellt contracts u'ill continue to be alvarded upon basis voluntary compliance with code.
"Third-Appropriate atnendments to code will be preoarecl by NIRB and submitted to jndustry.
"Fourth-When any division or subdivision assents to submitted amendments they u'il1 become effective in such division or subdivision.
"Fifth-When such course becomes equitable greatest possible degree 'compliance and enforcement effort u'ill be made available in each division or subdivision'
"Sixth-Administrative machinery will be set up immediately within NRA to afford authoritative prompt and efficient attention to lttmber code matters.
"$svsnfh-Joint effort will be made promptly to develop and establish improved means to obtain cornpliance within industry including use of labels, stamps or other means identification of industry products.
"National Control Committee expects your agency to carry on."
Fred Hamlin
Fred Hamlin, 57, r.vell known lumberman, died at the X,Iasonic }Iome, Decoto, after a long illness. He was a native of San Francisco.
Frecl entered the lumber business as bookkeeper rvith Robert Dollar Co. in San Francisco, became a salesman in Cali{omia f'or this firm and represented them for a time in the Orient. After his return from the Far East he was rvith the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for six years, and later was a partner in the Bennett-Hamlin Lumber Co. in the 'rvholesale business. His last position rvas with the Paramino Lumber Co. in San Francisco.
I{e was an active Hoo Hoo member for many years'
A11 previous attendance recorcls will be broken at the Third Annttal Reveille of Central ancl Northern California Iumbermen to be helcl at Hotel Oakland, Fridal', April 26, according to preclictions by Larne Woodson, general comuittee chairman and Carl R. Nfoore, geueral secretary-treas11 rer.
The banquet n.ill be held at 6:30 p.m. The entertait.tmcnt s,ill again be furnished by the rvholesalers, and Bert Bryan, entertainment committee chairman promises that it will be first class. Echvin Imhaus, tenor, radio star of national fan.re, l,ill be guest artist. Tickets for the ltanquet ancl entertainment are $2.00 each.
1'he golf tournament rvill be held on Saturdal' morning at Oak Knoll Conntry Club. l\{any valuable prizes will be arvardecl. Green fees, inclucling luncheon and a free ball, ar e $1.75.
Reservations for the Golf Tournament should lte r.nade as soon as possible r,vitl-r the chairman of the golf con-rnrittee, Kenneth Shipp of California Builders Supply Co. 501 29th Avenue, Oaklancl. Telephone ANdover 1188.
Arizona Annual May 10-11-12
The annual meeting of the Arizona Iluilclers' Supply Association will be held on May 10, 11 and 12.
Retail Lumber & at Phoenix, Ariz.,