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Pacific Coast Hardwood Flooring Dealers Organize
To direct their efiorts to a more equal distribution and for the better installation of hardwood floors, the Pacific Coast hardvi'ood flooring dealers, at a meeting held at the Del Monte Hotel, Del Monte, California, on April 18, completed the organization of The Pacific Coast Hardwood Flooring Dealers Association
C. M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was elected president of the new organization. Other officers elected were: B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, vice president, and James J. Cline, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, secretary-treasurer.
The following directors were elected to serve for the coming year: Roger Sands,, Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Seattle' Wash.; J. P. Ahearn, Nashville Hardwood Co., Portland, Oregon; C. Harry White, White Brothers, S_an Francisco; J. E-. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Frantisco; F. J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; G. C. Gearhart, Hammond Lumber Co.,_Lgs Angelesl G. H. Brown, G. H. Brown Hardwood Co., Oakland; and Jerry Sullivan, Jr., San Diego.
Pacific Coast hardwood dealers who are actually engaged in the merchandising of hardwood floors, and who iairy a complete and substantial stock, are eligible for membership.
The Code of Ethics of the Association are as follows: l. To develop relations between our shippers, our customers and ourselves, the spirit of the Golden Rule.
2. To establish the spoken word on the basis of the written bond.
3. To cultivate true friendship, therefore, confidence between persons engaged in the hardwood flooring industry.
Company Changes Name
Moron Lumber Co., with yards at Bakersfield and Taft, has changed its name to Kern County Lumber Co.
4. In our dealings with our ctlstomers to give them 16/o valae for every dollar spent with us.
5. To conduct ourselves and our businesses so that we may render service to th,s buying public.
B. E. Bryan, l'ice-President.
6. To recognize the square deal as the keynote of our. business.
During the business session several of the dealers ad-. dressed ihe meeting: G. C. Gearhart gave an interestingi talk on the work of the Los Angeles Hardwood Flooring Bureau and the benefits derived from the Bureau through stabilizing conditions in the Los Angeles district. J. E. Higgins, Jr. and C. Harry White spoke on conditions in ttre San Flancisco Bay district, and J. P. Ahearn and E. E. Hall talked on conditions.in the Portland district.
Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfie'ld, was a San Francisco visitor in the early part of last week.
Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, California
Friday, May 10, 1929
Sponrored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Luncheon will be sen'ed from 11:30 to l:fi) P. M. et the Club Houre Dinner will be served at 6:30 P. M. Sharp
The Oakmont Country Club are holding a "Forty Ninett Paty et the Club Ffouse on that night and all lumbetmen ere invited to attend.
This toumament ic open to alt lumberrren of Soutftern Cdifornia and viriting Lumbernren.
Male yogr reservationr through Ed. Martirr, 318 Centtal Bldg.' Los Angcles. Telephone VAndile 4565. Conmittee MAX LANDRAM' Chairnran
Tom A. McCann Club Meet
The Tom A. McCann Hoo held a businiss meeting April ties.
Hoo Club at McCloud, Cal., lst, to discuss future activi-
Short talks were made by Messrs. Schuler and Apperson of the Mt. Shasta Chamber of Commerce and president Huff and Messrs. Malone, Jenks and Van Fossen of the Chamber of Commerce, Dunsmuir.
Several announcements 'were made; it was reported that the repairs and changes on the Mt. ShastaMcCloud road were progressing v_ery fast and that all the other roads were being put into good shape as quickly as possible. Reports indicated that many entries had been received from grammar school children and high school students in the club's essay contest on the use of wood, and that the judges would soon announce the winners, September l4th was designated as the day of the club's annual carnival, the proceeds of u'hich go to the maintenance of the Hoo Hoo playground, a municipal recreation field.
East Bay Hoo Hoo Club
H. S. Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., presided, and C. I. Gilbert, Eureka Mill Lumber Co., was chairman of the evening at the regular dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, held at the Athens Club, Oakland, Msnday evening, April 15.

William Nat Friend, Postmaster of Oakland, was the principal speaker, and being Father and Son Night, chose as his subject, "Bringing Up Father". Mr. Friend's treatment of the subject was both humorous and serious and was much enjoyed.
Frank L. Parker, Eureka Mill Lumber Co., who has recently returned from a trip to Honolulu, also spoke briefly.
Entertainment was furnished by eight boys from Stanford University, Four of these played and sang, and the other four put on a couple of short vaudeville skits.
Vicegerent Bert Johnson, A. B. Johnson Lumber Co., San Francisco, was also present.
New Buitding and Loan Associations
Two new building and loan associations, located in Beverly Hills and Azusa, were granted licenses last week by George S. Walker, California Building and Loan Commissioner, bringing the total nu,mber licensed to do business since the first of the year to eight.
Consigny Building and Loan Assoiiation, Beverly Hills, has a paid in capital of $50,000. Officers and directors include E. F. Consigny, Walter H. Sage, Arthur L. Erb, William Gibson, A. B. Consigny, C. R.Tuttle and Charles Lamb.
The Valley Building and Loan Association, of Azusa, has paid in capital of $25,000. R. W. McQuiston has been nemed Secretary.
.Ross Ea Hall, president and manager of the Century Lumber Companyat Long Beach has-been elected pteti- dent of the Long Beach Rotary Club. He will takl office July lst.
Sunnyside T-umber Co., Inc., has pur.chased the Tilden Lumber & Mill Company's yard at Santa Cruz. W. J. H. Roper, former manag'er of the yard will remain as manager of the new concern.