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ilong-Bell Lumber Co. to Build Ray Anderson Wins Shingle Mill' at Lon$view Hardwood Championship
The Long-Bell Lumber Co. will construct immediately 'at Longview a modern electrically ilriven shingle- mill, which will have a capacity of 25O,00O singles in 16 hours:This will replace lhe experimental mill, and will be located ,near the East Fir.mill.
FIoo '',FIoo No. 9
: Ted tliggins, of the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., was c!1ir.man of the day at the.monthly luncheon of Hoo Hoo Club 'No. 9, held at the Elks Club, San Fqa4cisco, April 25.
' Mr. Higgins paid a,tribute to Jtrhn A. Stroud, vice-presi'dent of the club, w,ho is leaving the lumber business to 'enter the stock and bond business, and asked the gathering !o join him in singing "For lfe's a Jolly Good Fellow."
The chairman then asked Mr. Stroud to sing a song; which he did, and being heartily applduded led the crowd in community singing.
, Henry Starr, well known Radio entertainer, described as the "World's Greatest Colored Entertainer", sang and played several fine numbers, and was very generous with encores.
The luncheon, which was a special Dutch Lunch, brought out an excellent attendance. and evervbodv seemed to have an enjoyable time.
East Bay Firms Merge
East Bay Hardwood Co., Oakland, recently bought out the Bowman Hardwood Co., Berkeley, and the business in future will be known as the Pacific Hardwood Flooring Co., and will be operated at the yard formerly occupied by the Bowman Hardwood Co. at Berkeley.
M. A. Thomsen, owtrer of the East Bay Hardwood Co. will manage the new,concern.