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A. C. Dixon Elected President N.L.M.A. f
Seattle, Wash., April 25.-A. C. Dixon, manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, Eugene, Oregon, was elected president of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association at the annual meeting of this organization held in Chicago today, according to information received by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Mr. Dixon has been active in lumber association work for many years and during the past year served as a trustee of the association of which he now is president. He also has served as president of the West Coast association.
The West Coast lumber industry will be further represented in the national association by six sawmill operators in the Douglas fir region who were elected to the board of trustees. They are W. B. Nettleton, president of the Nettleton Lumber Co., Seattle, Wash.; C. D. Johnson, president of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, Toledo, Ore.; J, D. Tennant, vice-president and manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., Longvierv, Wash.; M. C. Woodard, president of the Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Ore.; R. H. Burnside, president of the Willapa Lumber Co., Raymond, Wash., and F. R. Titcomb, vice-president and general manager of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma, Wash.
William L. Hills
Roy E. Hills, member of the firm of Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, and Mrs. Hills, are mourning the passin$ of their boy, William L. "Bill", aged 13 years, whose sudden untimely death took place April 15 following an operation for appendi,citis.
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