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This Column of "Wants" and "Don't 'Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The F'ellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratec t2.s0 pe cofumn inca The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing Mill, Machinery and Stock. Will dispose of our entire stock of windows, doors, glass and kilq dried mill stock; also modern machinery. NEtrr 3 years ago. Office equipment. Will sell by unit or as a whole. Property 325 ft. x 150 ft. with santa Fe trackage. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
For Sale
Lumber Yard and Complete Building material store.
County Seat town of 11,000 in rich, fastest growing agricultural section in Southern California. Will give long lease on Yard site on 7/o net return. Would like to sell improvements. Investment in fixed assets small. Not a "Distress'f sale but a fine oppoitunity to take over a well established, profitable business which has been under one management for over 20 years. Address Box C-325, California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted Position
Lumber Yard Manager, Los Angeles experience, Paints
-HardwareSalesPlan Book ServiceCollectionsBookkeeping-Sales Promotion-Financing-make yard center of building activities, no profit in selling lumber by thousand feet. Address Box C-327. care California Lumber Merchant.
Job-(not position)-by experien,ced lumberman. Can handle anything from lumber jack to management of retail yard. Best of references. Will consider going north or out of state. Address Box C-324. California Lumber Merchant.
One-third interest t"T1:r1ot"?ted retail lumber yard situated near two major boulevards. 20 minutes from the center of Los Angeles. Take $2500.00. Must be an experienced job man, operate machinery, drive truck, fill orders, etc. Address Box C-329, California Lumber lUerchant.
Lumberman With Management And Executive Ability Open For Position
California lumberman with executive ability and with fifteen ylears practical experience in the logging, mill, wholesale and retail ends of the business is open for a position with a progressive lumber company where responsibility and initiative is essential. Position must have good future prospects. At present employed and for the past ten years have been manager and sales manager of large metropolitan wholesale and retail yard in California. Extensive acquaintanceship with lumber executives, manufacturers. wholesalers and retailers on the Pacific Coast. Will consider going to Orient, Central or South American countries. Address Box C-330. Care California Lumber Merchant.
National-American Annual Ira'W. Payton New Manager At Atlantic City of D. & S. Lumber Co.
Arthur E. Lane, Arthur E. Lane Lumber Corporation, New York, was elected president of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, at the annual meeting held at Atlantic City, N. J., on April9 and 10. The other officers and directors elected were as follows: First vice-president -M. G. Truman, Marsh & Truman Lumber Co., Chicago; second vice-president-J. B. Montgomery, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; treasurer-Otis N. Shepard, Shepard & Morse Lumber Co., New York; secretary-directing manager-W. W. Schupner. New York.
Directors (term expiring 1933)-L. K. Creason, CreasonGrayson Lumber Co., Kansas City, Mo.; C. A. Goodman, Sawyer-Goodman Co., Marinette, Wis., Arthur E. Lane, Arthur E. Lane Lumber Corporation, New York; R. C. !gpp.t, Rice & Lockwood Lumber Co., Springfield, Mass.; !V._H. Schuette, William Schuette Co., PittsburgJr, Pa.; R. P. Shannon, R. P. Shannon Lumber Co. (Ltd.), Vancouver, E, C,; John C. Shepherd, John C. Shepherd'Lumber Co., Charlotte, _N. C. ; Horace F. Taylor, Taylor & Crate, Buffalo, N. Y.; Thomas W. Tebb, Pacifii Lumber Agen,cy, Aberdeen, Wash.; J. R. Thames, J. R, Thames Co, Birmingham, Ala.
Ira W. Payton, formerly in charge of the retail department of Hewitt-Lea Lumber Co., Seattle, for 11 years, and assistant manager of Savage Lumber Co., Seattle, for two years, is now business manager of the D. & S'. Lumber Co., Mountain View.
To San Francisco
Leo W. Meyer, formerly general manager of the Panabuten Lumber Co., and the Inter-Island Steamship Company of the Philippines, also secretary of the Philippine Hardwood Lumber Export Association, recently returned to San Francisco. Mr. Meyer has opened offices in San Francisco as forest engineer, specializing on the financial phases of the lumber industry.
Director (term expiring 1931)-4. J. Krauss, Krauss Bros. Lumber Co., Selttle,'Wash., to fill unexpired term of John D. Collins, Seattle, Wash., resigned.
Directors (term expiring 1932)-Max Myers, Nicola, Stone & My,ers, Cleveland, Ohio, to fill unexpired term of G. M. Stevens, New York City, resigned; B. L. Tim, Hirsch Lumber Co., New York, to fill unexpired term of J. G. Whittier, Newark, N, J.,'resigned.