2 minute read
New Septic Tank Will lnterest
Lumber Dealers
Max E. Cook, farmstead engineer, with The Pacific Lumber Company, left San Francisco for Scotia, April 21, after spending a week at the main office.
Mr. Cook, who has been occupied with important work at the company's plant at Scotia for some weeks, is about ready to announce a revolutionary development in septic tank construction. Asked for some information on the s,ubject Mr. Cook stated that he was not quite ready to talk about the new idea, but predicted that the new tank will be of interest to every lumber dealer. On his return from Scotia in the near future he will be prepared, he said, to release in thesc columns full particulars of the new development.
Calling on Southern California Architects
George MacPherson, Longview, Wash., advisory architect and engineer of the Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation, is calling on the architects in the Los Angeles and Southern California territory, introducing the new LongBell development Enterlock Lumber. Mr. MacPherson is arranging for an exhibit at the Building Material Exhibit at Long Beach which will run through the month of July; the exhibit will include a miniature house built to scale showing the use of Enterlock Lumber. He has already installed a display at the Building Material Exhibit at Los Angeles. Mr. MacPhcr.-on r';ill be in Southern California about two months.
Or.nge County Lumbermen PIay Golf
C. B. Lyons, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was the low gross winner at the monthly golf tournament held by the Orange County Lumbermen's Club at the Santa Ana County Club, Wednesday afternoon, April 19.
D, E. Liggett, Liggett Lumber Co., Santa Ana, won the low net prize, the Schumacher cup; as this is the third time Mr. Liggett won the low net prize, he gains the permanent possession of the cup. The cup was donated by the Schumacher Wall Board Corp. of Los Angeles. The bogey prize was won by A. H. Hoel, Claremont Lumber Co., Claremont.
Hotel Wiltshire
Nor Unim Squre - Telephme Sutter 2290 l5O Rooms, Each with Tub and Shower . Stricdy Fireproof $2.oO to S3.OO Single - $2.5O to $4.fl) Double
Special Wekly and Monthly RaterSeniug Club BnaLfarts 25c, 35c, t0c.
Dimcn, trcludiag Sudan SCc
Take Any Yellow Cab as Our Guest Free Gardge
lv. R. CHAMBIRI.IN & C().
Calilornia Sales Agents for
Pohon Lumber & Shinglc Co.
Hociuiam, Varh.
Andenon & Middl*on Lumber Co.
Aberdeea, Verh.
Prouty Lumber & Box Comprny
\Parrentonn Oregpn
Northern California Sales Agcnts for Deliance Lumber Company
Tacoma, Vaoh.
Operating Steamen
V. R. Chamberlin, Jr. Crictet
LOS AT\IGELES tOl Pctroleu Seuritiac Blds. PRocpcct 59lll
?ORTLAND, OREG" Albcn Dck Nc t
Stanwood - Batbara C. Phyllir
HEAII OFFICE OAKLAND tth FloG, Frfe Burklrnr ttf||f, I#,' su Fmds SEATTLE DOugtu 5|?C Pisr Nc 3
Wholesale Lumber Association
San Francirco Oftce: 26O California St.
F. J. O€onnor, Prcr. rnd Gca. Mgr. - Phonc G.A,rficld 5Ol5 Loc Angeler Office: Petroleum Secruitier Bldg.
M. S. Lopcr, Dietrict Managcr - Phonc PRorpcct 270,11
W. R. Chuberlln & Co. .,....SuFmcipradlsAnfplcl
Dowu Lumber Co. ,... ,.9u Fralcis ard Loe Anrpla
Ealtcn & \f,legtem Lwber Co.....,................Pcthad ud Su Franclrco
Hemmod Lumbcr Co. ........Su Frucip ud Ia An3clo
J. R. Hanlfy. Co. .......,..,,. ..Sen Frucim ud Lc Angclc
Hart-IVod Lunber Co. ..,......Su Fnhcbco
C. D. Jobnm Lmbcr Co. ....Su Francleco ud Io Angalcr
Alyir N. Ia{grcn ,....... ......,.Su Frrnds
MacDorld & Hanington ,....San Fnnds ud Is .erydcr
A. F. Mehmy Lumbcr Co. ......Su Fruds
Chu. R. McCmiclr Lumber Co. ...,....,......3a4 Fnncbco ud Lc Arrclo
W. J. Mulllgm & Co. .,,...,... .Su Fnnctrco
Charlcr Nabm Co. ...........,, Su Frudro ud Lc Angclo
Paranino Lmber Co ..........SuFmdrco
Santa Fc Lmbcr Cir. .San Fnncbo and Lc Angeler
Suddcn & Chrieterco .....,..Star Fnndro and Lo Angcla
Wendliag-Nethrn Co. ............... ............San Fnnc|rco and Loc Angclo
R. O. Wllm & Sm ..,.....,. San Frocfuo
E. K. Wod Lunbq Co. ,.,..San Franci:co and lan Arlpla
HilI & Mortd, Inc ..,....,.... .......OaHad
Blc&l-Donoro Lumbcr Mills ,..Loc Angela
Brookr Lmbcr Co ,... .Loq Anrelo
Lamce-Phillpc Lmber Co. ....Ic Angelee
E. L Reitz Company ........,....1o.A19c1a
Taoma Lumber Saler A3ency ...Taoma and Lor Angelca
Twohy Lmbcr Cc ,............ ..,Lc Aa3clca
SL Paut & Tama Luber Ca ........Teooa