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Redwood or White Pine connection for Ohio territory requiring full and exclusive time. Have been exclusive Cypress salesman in Ohio many years for large Cypress manufacturer. For obvious reasons would prefer change from Cypress to Redwood or White Pine. Address Box C-469, The California Lumber Merchant.

LUMBER YARD FOR Wanted to trade for Lumber Yard town, WELL IMPROVED CLEAR FARM, SIX HUNDRED ACRES. California Lumber Merchant.

For Sale

FARM in thriving California NORTH DAKOTA Address Box C-474.

Lumber yard in Southern California. Old established yard. Stock about $12,000.00; sheds, trucks and office fixtures $7,500.00. Can lease real estate very reasonably. Business good, wonderful opportunity for good lumberman. It will pay to investigate. Address Box C-475, The California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Yard News

F. M. Pitt is opening Manda Park, Pasadena. Republic Lumber Co. of a new retail lumber yard at LaMr. Pitt was formerlv with the Pasadena.

9 years' experience in the mill-wholesale and retail trade. Thorough knowledge of cost accounting and sales promotion. Knowledge of the German and French language. Some capital available for se,cure investment. A-l references. Desirous of position with reliable concern. Address Box C-472, care California Lumber Merchant.


Lumberman for the past several years manager of large retail yard in California would like to make connection with line yard concern. Fifteen years' experience in the logging, mill, wholesale and retail ends of the business. Can assume responsibility and has initiative to produce results. Address Box C-473, The California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Inspector

Wants position. Experienced in Oregon and Washington lumber ploducts. Qualifications the best and will go any place. Will appreciate an interview. Frank Jones, l4O7 Oxley Street, Pasadena, Calif. Phone SYcamore 1206.

Appointed Forest Supervisor

The Altadena Lumber Co., Altadena, sold to the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. has been has puryard at

The Oceanside Lumber Co., chased the Hayward Lumber Oceanside.

Calif .,

Oceanside. Calif.. & Investment Co.

The Associated Lumber Co. recently opened a yard at Los Angeles.

R. C. Reynolds is back in the retail lumber business and is opening a yard near El Monte, Calif. His yard is located on the Valley Blvd., one mile east of El Monte.

Auburn Lumber Company, Auburn, has purchased yard of the Newcastle Lumber Co., Newcastle. the

Complete Government Contract

The H. A. Browning Lumber Company of Los Angeles has just completed a large contract for structural lumber treated with zinc chloride for the United States Government. The material was furnished from the company's treating plant at San Diego.

Regional Forester S. B. Show, chief of the U. S. Forest Service in California, announces the appointment of George M. Gowen of the Cafifornia Forest Experiment Station to the supervisorship of the Lassen National Forest with headquarters in Susanville, Calif. Mr. Gowan takes the place of Supervisor Wm. G. Durbin who was recently retired under the Government age limit for forest officers.

Supervisor Gowen is a graduate of the Forest School, University of California, and has had large experience in all phases of administrative and research work in the forests of California. He first entered the Forest Service in 192O as a ranger on the Sierra Forest, later worked on the Eldorado and Lassen, and for one year was supervisor of the Trinity National Forest. In 1930, Gowen was placed in charge of research in fire control being conducted by the California Forest Experiment Station on the Shasta and other national forests of the State. Ife now returns to the Lassen, where he once served for two years as assistant supervisor, and will take over the management of this forest in May.

John Kendall Visits Southern California

John Kendall, Potlatch Forests, Inc., Spokane, 'Wash., has been sojourning in Southern California visiting relatives in Glendale and contacting the Los Angeles lumber trade. His son, Homer Kendall of the Standard Lumber Co., Spokane, accompanied him on the trip.

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