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Mcmulcctured bvoLYMPIA vENEEn co.pioneer plyrrood l\llfr+
Dishibuted Exclusively Since l92l by
Wnrchoure: f800 E lYcrhl-gton Blv& LOS ANGEIES
New Design Booklet Available From Timber Engineering Company
Washington, April 20.-A new twenty-one page booklet -"Designing Timber Connector Structures"-explaining the application of data contained in the "Manual of Timber Connector Construction" has just been prepared by J. E. Myer, research engineer of the Timber Engineering Company.
This companion booklet contains information on the types and uses of timber connectors, conditions affecting connector loads, factors influencing connector joint details, methods of computing sizes of structural members, discussion of joints loaded parallel to grain and at angle to grain, formulas for determining stresses in members with combined bending and axial loads. Recommended procedure for designing timber connector structures is given in detail and examples illustrating the necessary steps are included.
Inserted with the booklet is a four-page, loose-leaf pamphlet which illustrates the load variations for timber connectors with different end distances, edge distances, spacings, and angle of load to grain.
The booklet is being distributed to engineers, architects, professors and students of engineering colleges.
Union Lumbcr Co. Announces New Appointmentg
Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, announces the appointment of Mason E. Kline to the position of general sales manager. He succeeds Edward L. Green, who has been appointed general manager of its properties in Mendocino County.
Back On The Job Again
A. H. Hoel, Claremont Lumber Co., Claremont, is back on the job again after six months' absence, while acting as purchasing agent for C. T. and W. P. Stover, large Claremont contractors, who were building aviation schools for cadets who are sent there for training by the government. Schools were built at Kings City, Tulare, Oxnard, Ontario, Glendale, Arizona, and Corsicana, Texas.
During his absence, Robert Nace was in charge of the business.
Screen Doors
BlindsLouvre DoorsIroning Bocrrds
REX cnd EASY (to wcsh) Combincrtion
Screen cnd Metal Scsh Doors
Qsslplete Equipment for Toxic Dipping -
CHR(liIATED ZIilG CHTORIIIE and lire retcrding. You con rcll it for F.H.A., U. S. Govemment, Log Angeleg eity cnd Coutrtl cnd Uniform Building Code iobg. CZC bestad l"-bcr ii stocked lor imroedidte shipmcnt ln coEacrcidl 8lzer qt [aDg Beoch ord Alameda. IsL obout our crchcmgc s.rvicc @d aill shipment plcn.
Gdlaft s* rpb - uEsT-coAsI u00D PnESEnYnG G0. - srdrh
80f W. Pltth St- Lor Aagclo, Cclll., Phorc Mlchlgcl 323{ 3lF Motgonrry St., gar Frcadrco, Ccl., Pholo DOuglar 98dl
Handsome feller shook an eyglid, 'N she shook hers back in glee; He shook his head kinda sideways, An' directly she shook me.
If you catch one of your children lying, don't grab a club and rush at him like an ogre. Be honest with him. TeIl him the truth. Tell him you've told hundreds of them, yourself. Tell him that between truth and lying, truth is the best policy. Tell him you know-you've tried both.
-Robert Ingersoll.
If you have the ,""" .::"""ttj; woman and the respect of others, the confidence of children and dogs, and the respect of your competitors, you may fairly claim to be a success. very pretty girl got in and smiled at Sandy. He tipped his hat. "Do you know her?" asked Archie. ..Verra well,, reptied Sandy. "Well, then, let's go sit by her and you can introduce me." t'Not so fast, Laddie,,' whispered Sandy. "She has na paid her fare yet."
e drew Aphrodite, without any nightie, Which greatly shocked the fastidious. Sandy and Archie wcre sitting in a street car when a
It's great to be an editor, and sit up late at night, And Scratch your woot and shoot the bull, And write, and write, and write.
Ups And Downs
The life of the lumber dealer is all a matter of ups and downs. When he isn't trying to get some new customer to pay something down, he's trying to get some old cus_ tomer to pay something up.
No Saucer
There was a young sculptor named phidias, Whose art was very insidious, A SMILE
(You can sing this to the tune of Auld Lang you want)
. A smile is quite a funny thing. It wrinkles up your face, And when it's gone you cannot find, Its secret hiding place.
But far more wonderful it is, To see what smiles can do, You smile at one, he smiles at you, And so one smile makes two.
He smiled at some one, since you smiled, And then that one smiles too, And he sends smiles around the world. 'Til they come back to you.
"'Whatts yourn?"
"Coffee and rolls, my girl.,'
One of those iron-heavy thick mugs of coffee was pushed over the counter to him. He looked surprised.
"'Where's the saucer?" he asked.
"We don't use no saucers here, see? If we did some low-brow would come pilin' in an' drink out of his'n, an' we'd lose some of our swellest trade, see?,'
Omar And Spring
Come. fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring Your Winter-garment of Repentance fling; The Bird of Time has but a little way
To f,utter-and the Bird is on the Wing.
-F'rom the Rubaiyat.
And since a smile can do great good, By cheering hearts of care, Let's smile and smile and not forget, That smiles go everywhere.
Heart Service
Syne if
Brain service can be bought. Lip service can be hired. Physical service can be contracted for. But heart service is the kind you get when you pay in the coin of apprecia_ tion, kindliness, and consideration of others.
Delusions, errors, and lies are like huge, gaudy vessels, the rafters of which are rotten and worm-eaten, and those who embark in them are fated to be shipwrecked.