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and C a I il ot n ia Rcdwood Assoc iat io n former president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, is president of the Southwest Lumber Mills. Inc.
Mr. James G.
National Debnse Brings Administrative Shifts in Forest Service
San Francisco, April 19-The impacts of national defense on California's natural resources brought an announcement of changes in the U. S. Forest Service. Regional headquarters here disclosed that Russell W. Beeson, supervisor of the Modoc National Forest in northeastern California, will assist Regional Forester S. B. Shorv in national defense activities of the Forest Service.
Mr. Beeson is a veteran forester of 20 years in high posts. He has been supervisor of the Modoc Forest since 1935.
Supervisor Joe Elliott of Sequoia National Forest, 33 years a public servant in the Forest Service, has been named supervisor of lModoc Forest, the fourth national forest in California of which he has been supervisor. Supervisor Elliott's appointment is eftective early in April.
Norman L. Norris, assistant supervisor of the Angeles National Forest and for many years a ranger and assistant supervisor of the Sequoia National Forest, replaces Mr. Elliott as supervisor of the Sequoia Forest.
fncreased demands upon lumber, forage, rvater supplies and other resources of the national forests have called for added administration and protection during the preparedness months, Regional Forester Show said.
The Forest Service, with 18 national fors515 in California and southwestern Nevada, is guardian of 20,@0,000 acres of public lands in this area.
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