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The Old Mqestrooo.

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L. t. GARR t CO.

L. t. GARR t CO.


I He takes pride in the job he is doing -building the world's most satisfactory roof.

There are thousands like him throughout the land. Today they're doing a war job. They're drawing from. their fund of experience and ability, are applying their craft toward the winning of the war. You'll see them perched on the roof-tops of hundreds of giant housing projects from coast to coast. They're re-roofing houses by the thousand in every section of the country. They're busy building roofs for grain bins, poultry houses, implement sheds, dairy barns-busy putting the nation's food factories in top working condition.

Today, as never before, America's shingling craftsmen are doing a vital job. And with Red Cedar Shingles they are building roofs of highest quality, durability and appearance.

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