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^[lP.odu"t Never before such a roof as this! Rnre beauta of color in the opal roof blended by Ric6ardsonfrom gems of itate
Skillfully blending rare gems of color in slate, Richardson now offers an opal rcof ofexclusive new beauty. -'
This beautiful new roofis 6uilt from shin, gles on which are combined in almost inf nite variety the two favorite Richardson colors in slate-weathered brown and jade green.
Applied to the roofjustas they come from the bundle, Richardson opal shin gles give acoloringlike autumn leaves floatingon a woodland pool.
The Richardson / Muhicrome Roof , In addition to opal, the Multicrome Roof is laid in other pleasing color effects. Ther ar e w e a Iher ed br o w n,an exclusive Richardson color in slate, has proved especial. ly popular when applied in combination with other Richardson shingles of jade green, t;.le red, or black pearl. ln fact, there is a Multicrome Roof to harmo. nize with every color scheme, and to please every customer's taste. o% ket | | @'/o fr or e n grd, aid 3 5"/o wre econmical in cost of loting
Thenew colors, opal and weathered brown, are used only on the Richardson Super,Giant Shingle-famous for its beauty and endurance, With its inner founda, tion.df Richardson felt. for 6fty |fais iecognized as the best; coated and saturated with Viskalt, the vacuum. processed waterproofi ng, 99.8/6 ptre bitumen, the Super.Giant assures you Lzst, ing beauty for your roof.
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