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Donglas Fi" R"d Crdar end WLst Coast H"*l"pk
-Some of the ltems Made from Them in "The Lumber Capital of America"
,TlHe woods chiefly relied on in Tacoma and Tacoma Dis- I trict are Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar and West coast Hemlock. within easy reach of her great mills, plants and factories, Tacoma has tremendous stands of these woods and from them she manufactures all manner of lumber products.
At Tacoma Douglas Fir is manufactured into every form of lumber known to the sawmill operator. For house constniction it is made into all forms of dimension stock and is used particularly for general building alrd ^construction purposes. rts strength and'com- parative lightness ft it for joists, itudding, floor beami and timbers which must carry loads.
_ The comparative hardness of Douglas Fir renders it suitable for flooring and it fills a large demand.
clear Douglas Fir.lumber, sawed flat grain, shows the beautiful hgure of its natural grain. It takes stain well and no other wood as beautiful in natural design and patterns so lends itself to various finishing treatments.
western Red cedar is particularry useful where lightness of weight, durability, or ease of working ire desired. It is "free from pitch and remarkably light and its resGtance to rot makes it especiaily good for use where exposed to weather or moisture while Red cedar is used for fine siding and for some other items its principal use is for shingles. It is est'imated that more than 60 per cent of all the wooden shingles made in the united states are manufactured from this wood. Tacoma mills do their share. West Coast Hemlock difiers very greatly from Eastern Hemlock. :t it is not the same tree at all. itJ lumber is valuahle for senerel
In fact iti valuable for general b-uilding construct-ion, the "common', making .rp.ri"ffy-n* H;i"t; sheathing and roofing. The "clear" grades ma-ke excellent interior finisil snearnrng roohng. .l'he "clear.l graoes make finisll mouJdings,.flooring, ceiling and siding. Hemlock also is in great demand for bevel siding.
Send for o cofy of the 6o-fose fulltt iltrustroted book that giaes full informition'coicerrtng Tacoma and its lumber industry. Sent free aithout olWation.To- haae your inquiries jtaced before the entire lumber manufactuVing iniustry of'Tu como ond Tocomo Oistiict