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About Lon{crvlEu/
An dvertisement by the Lon$view Compuy =. Lon$iew,lVashin$ton
Work v/ill start at once on the erection of a car buil(ling plant in Longview to be built jointly by two concerns, the Zimmermanw'ells-Brown Company of Portland, and the Magor Car Corporation of Passalc, New Jersey. A ten-acre factory site has already been pur- chased in the manufacturing dlst- rict.
"Longvlew offers many reasons for locating: here," sald W. Gi Zimmerman. head of the zimmermanWells-Brown Company, "chief among which is the large and available supply of hlg:h grade seventy- foot-tlmbers, of which 'we use many, available labor, accessibillty to the three rallroad systems and the further fact that thls is an admitted manufacturlng: and industrial center, "
The company will specialize in the manufacture of a new type of logging: car which ls 68 feet long, of the four bunk type and permits the handlingi of long: and short logs. These cars will be of a 100,000 pound capaclty antl wlll be used for the first time on the coast by the Long- vlew. Portland & Northern rallway ln transportlng logs to the Long:-Bell mills. Varlous types of cars will be butlt and, in addltlon, the shops will be equippeal to do general car repairlng.
"Longiviev/ is well known through- out the Mldatle West, ancl especially so. ln flnancial and lumber clrcles," said F, I(. Shrader, vice-presialent rl dredaie n'orklng In the lof pond lor the lumber manufacturlng plant whteh wlll be ln operatlon at Long:vlew In July. The power lllont ls fn the .llrtance. Plcture takcn ADrll 6, l9%.
The Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, one of the large enterprlses of lts kind, has selected Longview as a polnt for a unique agricultural ex- periment. A 125-acre tract of land, provided by the Longview Suburban Company, ls to be used to demonstrate the adaptability of the soil in this terrltory for sugar beet culture and for other agricultural purposes.
J. W. Timpson, an executive of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, selected that site for demonstratlon purposes in preference to others under consideration, after havlng: toured the entire Pacinc CoaFt section. Not only was the traet Chosen because of the aalaptablllty of the soil for truck farming and for sugar beet culture, in particular, but also because of its convenlent location to transportation facllities and t'ith a view of company offlclals to the possible erection of a sugar refining plant in thls district, advises Mr. Timpson.
Lauds Port
Flihtnai for mountaln trout ls a popular sport near Longvlew. of the Halsey-Stuart and CompanY, bond house, while visiting in Long- view ln Aprll.
"The bis mill certainly made an lmpresslon on me, for it shows the immensity of the comPany's operatlons and portrays what is being done to support the city' its merchants and citizenrY in general' I know the Long-Bell Lumber Con]pany orgianization well. and knew at the very beginnlng that the Proiect woultl be a winner' but now' after a vear's absence, I atn more convinced than ever of the soundness of the project.
"The desliabilitv and practicabil{tv of the locatlon of the city make th-e euccess of Longview a certainty when backed by an enterprise like The I-ona-Bell Lumber ComParly. f took foi unusual activlty in the entlre vatley from now on."
Instltution of the new Vislon CitY f-oAge, No.195, of the Knights of Fvtfrt'is, installation of officers and i"-liiaiion of candldates were the htqh ltshts of the ceremonies atiefiaeA 'A'prtl 9 ln Longview bv 267i'-vittta- i{nishts from all parts of tlie Paclflc Northwest'
.Iames P. Cribben, resident manaeer of Norton, Lllly and ComPanY' general agents for the Argonaut tnd Isthmian steamshiP llnes, on a recent vlslt with other offlcials of the company to Longview s?fd' "Your docks here give speedy dispatch. The harbor is wonderful. It
Seven miles of standard gauge, 8b-pound single track, v/ith a roaal- bed to accommodate double traek have been completed on the Long- view, Portland & Northern Railroad, connectlng Vader wlth Ryderwood, kllns bewlth the has an easy approach and turning basin. a clandy seat of The Long-Bell Lumber Com- pany's logging: operations. The track also connects Ryderwood with Longview via the main line of the Northern Paciflc. Ilnlon Paclflc and Great Northern tracks between Vader and Longview.
Other ports have been bullt to care for present needs and were developed as the occasion demantled. Loniview has arranged for the future, rlght ofi the bat."
The z2-mile stretch of L. P. & N. track between Vader and Long:vlew is now being: g:raded and wlll be completed some tlme durlngi the summer, whlch will provlde dlrect eonnectlon between Ryderwood and Longview.
Gentlemen: Please send me litera-, ture concerning: the new city of Longview. I am particularly inter- ested in its opportunities for:
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