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How Lumber Looks
The condition of the market, up an down t'he rtate, in the retail businecs and the wholesale, rtill leaves much to be derired from all angles.
The condition today is not what it wa.r dxty daya ago, when tAe retail dealerg WOULD not buy, could not ree their wa/ to anticipating better conditionr, with the coruequence of a badly fallen merket, and anotter ovenupplied market. Unrold rtockr kept pouring in, with the one and only poarible resulg rhe dtopped and dropped hard.
TodaS the dealer ir not buying, except for actual and immediate needr, and he ir not buving becaure there ir not tte conrumer merket that we had in February and March. In ot{rer words, tte retail buriner ir rlow, we nidtt ar.*ell face thic fact, and the dealcr ir not recuring: what he conriden to be a rearonable, norrnal volurae of burincrr.
And production, that much urcd rrord. Hcre are tomc frctr in regard thir yearr btuiner by tihe fir milb t'hat are intereeting, and pcrtinent
In thc firrt 18 weckr at 19'24, the fir milb of the northwert cut a total ol 117831742,663 fect of lurnbcr. Thi3 ir jnrt 2.93Vo greater ttan for the ramc period in 1923, end their ralcl of lrZl4rO75r(X)O fect for the ranre p€riod ,n 1924 wa3 a little over llVo lq than in lart ycar.
The hrt weekly rcport frorn the Wcrt Coert Lumber- rncns Association showr a weekr cut, by trheir member mills, of 95,969,(X)O feet; sales, 96, 641,(XX) feet and tfiey rhipped 121,0O0,O(X) feet.
In tte laet three weeks, the production has run, by the wee\ 9S,(X)O,OOO feet, 9S,OOO,(X)O feet and 97,(X)O,(XX) feet in round nrsnberr.
The California Redwood Association member millr cut for a weekr period war IO,O5O,OOO feet, with new bruines for the earne period totdling 5,784,(XX) feeL
Their ehipmentr were riglrt in line with the ralec, the figoree given being 5,175,(X)O feet.
Onc bright rbr in tbe eky of the lumberman h Cafiffornia ir the practicd end of the epidemic arnong $e liva stock. The foot and moutrh dileare. From tftc htelt r+ portn from variouc pertr of the rtate, officiab rcem to tftink that thir epread bar rtopped, that the dhearc ibelf b ju* about wiped out, and trhat in a chort tirne trhcy Gan anl(xlnccl Cdifornh of being free of any carer, and alro free of eny rabictionr and banr that were put on her productr.
Another bright point, ir the continued beHer fecling among the dealerr in thb Southcrn part of the rtate, uAerc thc bulk of lart yean heavy rhipmentr were gobbled up. Southcm California her not "gone to thc doglr" nor her any other part of tftie great *ate. Do not play thc rtatc "rhotq" you will lore your hat.