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Gasoline Wasted In Engine

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Bt, Ethelbert Faaary, Consulting En'gineer, ' IIoreland Motor Truck Co., Burbank.

Over 4 billion gallons of gasoline are wasted annuall.v due to heat losses- in automobile engines. l/2 billion gal' lons per annum would be sufEcient to run all the cars if these- losses could be eliminated. To reduce these losses is the problem on which many engineers are working'

Engine Losses

In all gasoline engines means must be plovided for.cooling the iylinder *a-11s, either by surrounding the cylinder *iitl a *"tet jacket or by using the air direct as the cooling agent. If no provisions were made for cooling, the great"heat developecl rvithin the combustion chamber and ihat created by the friction between the piston and- the' cvlinder. would cause the piston to bincl or seize and de.nrnpn.. the lubricating oil.

On the other hand, the efliciency of all engines depends on their ability to turn into useful work the greatest possible number of heat units generated in the explosion chamber by the combustion of 'fuel. It therefore follows, that the gieater the number of heat ttnits absorbed or lost by the .oolT.rg agent the lorver is the efficiency of the ,engine' Witi iew exceptions. all gasoline engines used on motor vehicles are water coolecl. rvhere the cooling system consists of the engine water jacket, the t'ater circulating system, .the radiator and the fan.

Experiments have shou'tr that lly increasing the tem^perature of the cooling u'ater in the rvater jacke!^i.tory]Q i"gr..r F. to 200 degr:ees F., a saving of about lo/o ol fuel

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