2 minute read
C ompletes O r$a nization of the"Millworklnstitute of California"
United Sash and Door Dealers Disband
The Millwork Institute of California, a recently organized body of mill, sash ahd door and other woodworking industries, has completed the details of their organization, and are now running *"moothly at their two recently established offices at Los Angeles and San Francisco.
It is stated that the Institute has been organized for the purpose of investigating costs, determining standards of patterns, and for the carrying out of other actfuities, all designed to {urther the intelligent and economic operation of the millwork and sash and door buslness in California.
It is intended to have the body cover the entire state with district offices, or "Councils" at different points. , At present they have an office at San Franclsco, under / the direction of Mr. H. T. Didesch, formerly of the Millwork Cost Bureau of Chicago, and the Los Angeles activi, ties of the organization are being looked after by Mr. L. ' E. Gates, who until its disbanding, was secret'ary of the United Sash and Door Dealer.s of Southern California.
The Los Angeles office of the Institute is known as the Los Angeles County Branch, Sash and Door Division and is located at 5I4 Central Building.
Mr. Harry J. Gaetjen, of the Empire Planing Mill, ' San Francisco, is the President of the institution, and Mr. E. A. Nicholson of the Pacific Door and Sash Company, Los Angeles, is the Treasurer.
Mr. Didesch is Secretary and will have headquarters at San Francisco, working with Mr. Gates, the Los Angeles Secretary.
At present they have about eighty members and will probably take in companies engaged in other woodworking operations besides the sash and door and planing mill business.
The first Quarterly Convention of the Millwork Institute, will be held at Santa Batbara, May 2kd and 24th, at the Arlington Hotel.
As stated above, the United Sash and Door Dealers of Southern California, an organization of sash, and door dealers and planing mills, that has been in Los Angeles for a number of years, has now gone out of existence.
The Bowerman Lumber Company, Ltd., has opened its yard at Glendale with a great many improvements and additions to the plant formerly occupiecl by the Edgemont Lumber Company, which the new company took over.
Mr. C. C. Borverman is the president',of the Bowerman Lumber Company, and Mr. George 1\4. Hammond is secretary.
Mr. Bowerman is from Idaho where he was for mahv years engaged in the retail lumber gamq. He is a Hoo Hoo in good standing, a past president of Rotary, and was for a time on the City Council at Pclcatello.
5f1-545 Firrt Street, Oakland, Cafif.
The new company :tlas installed a complete stock of building materials, and have adopted q slogan "Everything from nails to stucco."