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Wheeler-Osgood Company Receives . Praise
The Tacoma Own-Your-Home Association has iust closed one of the most succesful "own-your-home" exposi- tions that has ever been held in the west. It waS conceived and carried out largely through the efiorts of John Dower, president of the Tacoma Own-Your-Home Association.
One of the most dramatic features in connection with the show was a display of Laminex doors, with a door being soaked in water. This door was selected at random and placed in the tank of water at 6:00 o'clock Monday evening, April 7. It remained in the water until Sundav morn- ing, when it was taken out and weighed. The- weight showed that it had absorbed 6r/a lbs. of water. NonJof the veneer had loosened or the'joints of the door opened and the door was perfectly straight, with no signs of buckling in the stiles, rails or panels.
^ President Dower, in a letter to The 'Wheeler, Osgood Company, manufacturers of Laminex doors, staied: "
"I wish to congratulate you on your splendid exhibii at Tacoma's first "Own-Your-Home" expbsition. your hovel exhibit certainly created very great interest and I am sure that the building public was thoroughly sold on the superior qualities of ybur Laminex doors.
"We have all seen many built up doors that have blistered and buckled under ordinary weather conditions, but after seeing-your Laminex door, without any filler or paint on it, soak for a week in water without the- slightest iigns of giving way, I am thoroughly convinced thaiyour Liminex. built gp door will stand -up under any co.tditiotr. I considered it very remarkable that this dooi took on 6 lbs. of water after soaking a week and that the door or its panels did not warp in the -lightest degree. You have a wonder- ful product and I rvish you greal success with it.,,
Where can you get odd work in twenty four hours? FINISH...MOI.JLDINGS